Chapter Fourteen

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I haven't seen Gabriela since the accident. It's been a little over a week. I don't want to go to her house because I feel embarrassed. I haven't seen her at the shop. It's like she's disappeared from my world.

I find it strange that Dave never bothered telling me where he went. I wanted to know what happened, hell, I was there the whole night for Gabriela. I just feel as though it's too awkward to ask and bombard him, since it could be family drama. I miss Gabriela. I haven't seen Dee or Joe in a minute.

I'm still curious about what's going on after football practice. There's a party at the lake... is she going to be there? Are we going to be normal? I still have to know what's going on with her, right?

Another crap thing gone wrong in my life. My sister told me my niece's cancer has gotten progressively worse. Juan and my sister have spent the past four days in the hospital. I've been visiting periodically throughout the day to check up on my sister. She's like a shell of a person I once knew. Her laughter has gone from her. She looks sick herself. I'm nervous for her, but we are all trying to keep positive. My mom constantly reminds her she should go to church, trust in God to help. It seems too complicated and she's only a child.

My mom thinks that since I spend so much time at Gabriela's house and I'm always with her that she has a right to ask me personal questions. I never bother answering. I don't want her to press me with them, but I guess that's what moms are for. I'm not a momma's boy at least. Girls don't like guys like that, I mean, from what I know.

At football camp today we had a scrimmage and Shannon came to watch. She's such an attention-whore. I can't stand being around her. She has no right to boss all her friends around, she's like a dictator. Yeah, we all know she's hot. In no way does she compare to Gab... Gabriela's like a goddess. A beauty compared to the train wreck that is Shannon. I left practice and well, now I'm here. Home. The house is empty, my mom's at work—what else is new?—and my brothers are with my sister at the hospital. I might stop by to visit her, I start to get ready and hop in the shower.

Thinking about it in the shower, after the scrimmage, Shannon kept trying to talk to me. I ignored her. She mentioned Gabby and how Gabby was such a fake, probably didn't even like me, how she'll be out of here before I know it and how she'll still be here, waiting for me to snap out of it. She should learn to keep her mouth shut and quiet. The only thing I said to her was "Excuse me but you've mistaken me for someone who gives a damn," that shut her up. She didn't like it. Obviously Shannon's jealous of Gab. Who wouldn't be, is the real question. Between Gabby's amazing goddess-like figure, her awesome personality, her sense of humor and well, the fact that I'm undeniably in love with her—why wouldn't Shannon be jealous? Gabriela is the total package. Honest, loyal, committed. I can only imagine just how jealous everyone would be if I walked into school holding hands with Gabriela or sucking face in the parking lot by my truck. Guys would hate me, girls would hate her. We'd be a dream couple. Man, that'd be great. I don't even know if she feels the same way that I do, but all I know is that for some reason God decided to give me this miraculous person to do something positive in my life with.

God put my dream girl in my life. Now, I have to make that dream of mine, become a reality. 

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