Chapter 2 - A little trip

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Disclaimer: The Show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

Twist of Fate

Chapter 2 – A little trip.

No One's POV.

In a no better mood than she was in earlier, Jade sat in her 2nd hour English class waiting for it to start. All of a sudden, she smelled the faint smell of familiar cologne and could hear the seat next to her being taken.

"Beck, there must be at least 5 other seats in the room. Why do you pick the one next to mine?" Jade said, sounding annoyed.

"Well Good morning to you Jade." Beck replied, in his normal disarming tone of voice.

"Typical man, can't answer a question. No wonder why I broke up with you."

Though unseen by Jade, Beck ran his hand through his hair. "Hey, I'm still your friend."

Jade let out a grunt. "Why don't you just give up like Andre and the others. Leave me alone."

Suddenly felt Beck's hand rest on hers. "Hey I still care about you."

"Don't touch me." Jade hissed, as she yanked her hand back.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything by it. Look Jade. You have people that care about you. I'll say it again. I'm sorry that stroke robbed you of your sight. I know it changed things. But we just want to help you. But all you do is push people away." Jade could hear a note of concern in his voice which just annoyed her further.

"I don't want any of your fucking help or pity." Jade snapped, just as the bell rang.

Beck said nothing and opened his book for class. But as he did, he couldn't help but feel bad for Jade. Blind just over a year, Jade had just gotten meaner and even bitterer. She seemed angry at the world. After it happened, he tried his best to be a supportive boyfriend.

But the more he tried to help, the worse she treated him. The more she pushed him away. But he didn't give up, at least until she broke up with him. Part of him wanted to keep trying but even he got tired of banging his head against the wall. The others, Andre, Robbie and Cat all had since given up on Jade. He was the only one that she even talked to anymore. But even those conversations were tense and short. It wasn't even about getting back with her, Beck had since started to date again, he just wanted to help her.

All he could do is sigh and hope that something would change.

Tori meanwhile was enjoying her first day. Though she had a moment of sadness, when she rolled past the dance studio. She could see the girls limbering up and getting ready. Of all the things Tori missed being able to do, was the ability to dance. Besides singing she loved to dance. She loved watching people dance, ballet, ballroom, modern. She had hoped once to dance herself, but looking down at her useless legs she knew that was impossible.

She tried to pay no more mind to the mean girl who mocked her disability. But it did linger in her thoughts. "I can't believe her. Who would mock a person in a wheelchair? That is just beyond cruel." Tori fumed, as she made her way to the next class.

Jade ignored Beck during the rest of the class and made her way out without saying a word to him. She slowly made her way down the hallway to 3rd period. As she did, Ryder Daniels spotted her. Before Jade lost her sight, Ryder had drunkenly groped a then freshman Jade, at a party. She then proceeded to beat him senseless in front of his friends. Ever since then he had wanted some kind of revenge, but had been unable as he had been studying abroad the last year.

Now back at Hollywood Arts, he saw a golden opportunity. With a devilish grin he patiently and quietly waited in the hallway, not moving until she was just about to pass him. Then he casually stuck out his foot and tripped Jade.

Before Jade knew it, she was falling forward. It was her worse fear, as not being able to see, you never quite know when you're going to it. She hit the floor on her side, with a thud and a surge of pain. Not only that her sunglass flew off her face.


The spate of laughter she instantly heard, was immediately recognizable.

"Daniels, you mother fucker. I'm going to kill you." Jade shrieked.

Ryder merely laughed again. "You have to find me first. Good luck doing that in the dark. Hey you're a Goth, you should love seeing black all the time. I'm going to love making your life hell." With that he grabbed her ass briefly and ran off.

The few other students that were still in the hallway who saw what was going on immediately scattered. Jade was already feared and now days, no one wanted to even tempt fate by even talking to her. Those few that wanted to help, her were too afraid to offer.

As a humiliated Jade got up on her knees, she suppressed the tears she wanted cry and grabbed her bag. But to her horror, she realized that it had burst open and spewed its contents all over the floor. Normally that would be merely inconvenient. For a blind person, that was a nightmare

The bell for classes suddenly rang, meaning she was late. "Dam!" Jade said as her tears escaped their confinement and ran down her face.

Tori had gotten lost on her way to 3rd period having gone down wrong hallway. Now she was heading to class, late, when she spotted the mean girl further up the hallway.

The girl was on the floor and appeared to be picking things up. There were some papers, makeup items and what appeared an iPod on the floor. Tori was going to ignore the horrible girl and turn down the hallway to her class when she noticed something.

Jade was feeling around on the floor. She wasn't just picking the things up she was feeling the floor and when her hands would touch something she's stuff it in her bag. Tori noticed another thing; she was quietly crying. Something was wrong.

As horribly insulted as she was by that girl, Tori's curiosity and compassion got the best of her. Tori kept doing down the hallway towards Jade.

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