Chapter 5 - New Friends

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Disclaimer: The Show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

Twist of Fate

Chapter 5 – New friends.

Tori's POV

"Sikowitz?" I said, still trying to figure out what just hit me.

"He's the drama teacher here. He's good, but they say he's got a screw lose. Actually, I think he's actually missing several of them."

"I hope it's a fun class. Now that I've been shanghaied into taking it."

"Don't worry Vega, you won't be bored, that's for sure." Jade said with a confident tone.

No one's ever called me Vega before. I'm not sure what to make of it. "Why do you keep calling me Vega?"

Jade shrugged. "Cause I want to. You shouldn't feel insulted. It's the 2nd brightest star in the sky. I remember seeing it though my father's telescope."

I had been afraid to bring up the subject of what caused her blindness. "You weren't always blind?"

Jade lowered her head and in a low tone of voice answered. "No."

I couldn't help but think back to that horrible day when I woke in the hospital. The very worst day of my entire life. After a moment's pause I responded in a quiet voice. "I wasn't always in this thing."

"Suck's doesn't it." Jade said in a matter-of-fact tone of voice.

Though unseen by Jade, I nodded. "Yeah, it does."

I suddenly sensed Jade had no further desire to speak of what had happened to her. Frankly I didn't want to speak of it either. We both sat there quietly for a moment, and then returned to eating. Neither of us would say anything for several minutes.

As we ate, I noticed that Jade seemed to be eating faster and faster. Within a few minutes her tray was empty while, mine was still half full.

Jade then abruptly got up, unfolded her cane and grabbed her tray. "I got to go. Later Vega." With that Jade moved off, Tray in one hand, and cane in the other.

It was as if suddenly Jade couldn't get away from me fast enough. I just sat there wondering what if anything I had done wrong. I'll admit my feelings were hurt, though I shouldn't let this get to me.

After a moment I happened to glance at the other table, the one where Jade's friends sat. Much to my surprise, the African American boy motioned for me to come over. Wanting to be sure I pointed at myself and he nodded. He didn't look angry, but I was with Jade and she did flip them off.

A bit apprehensive but curious, I grabbed my lunch tray; put it on fold out tray my wheelchair has and rolled over.

The group appeared to study me as I approached but I didn't get hostile vibe. They seemed merely curious. "Uh...Hi." I said, still feeling nervous and awkward.

The handsome guy who was closest moved his chair aside to make room. "Please join us. We don't bite."

"Jade does." Said Robbie, looking at his hand.

"Robbie that was just one time and you know Jade doesn't like to be touched. Especially where you touched her." Replied the red-haired girl.

"Never mind that." Said African American boy.

Beck rolled his eyes and cleared his throat. "Please join us. You're new here, aren't you?"

They seemed welcoming and that allowed me to relax. "I'm Victoria Vega, but everyone calls me Tori."

The handsome guy pointed to himself. "I'm Beck Oliver. The girl with Red hair is Cat Valentine, to my right is Andre Harris and across from me is Robbie Shapiro."

At that moment dummy spoke up. "Of course forget me."

"I wish I could." Andre could hear be half heard, mumbling under his breath.

Beck groaned. "That's Rex Powers."

I said hello to each of them and in turn they said hello back. Though I could have sworn, the creepy doll winked at me.

"Ooooh...I love your chair. I should bring my own too. That's such a good idea. My desk chair has flowers on it." Cat immediately said with a goofy smile.

She shocked look on my face must have been obvious

Robbie shook his head, Andre did a face palm and Beck shot Cat a disapproving look. "Cat, unless I'm mistaken Tori can't walk and needs to use a wheelchair." Beck said in scolding Tone.

Her eyes lit up as if she suddenly got it. "Ohhh....I'm sorry."

Beck whispered in my ear. "She's as sweet as pie, but is a bit dim at times. I assure you, she meant nothing by it."

"No worries." I said quickly, realizing Cat's comment, wasn't meant to be insulting.

"So how did you manage to sit with Jade?" Robbie asked.

Beck shot back. "Robbie, you're as bad as Cat. Let's get to know Tori first. before we start asking questions."

I'll have to admit Beck's pretty good looking. As much as I like Jade, I need to keep my options open.

I waived my hand quickly. "No..No..That's alright."

With an embarrassed look, Beck turned to me. "I'm Sorry Tori. It appears we are not making a good first impression."

I couldn't help but laugh. "Me and Jade didn't make the best of first impressions either. I wound up calling her a bitch. That and I called her an asshole."

"See dummies, all you idiots want to be nice to Jade. Just call her a bitch and you're in like Flynn. That's what I've been telling you all along." Rex announced, sounding rather smug.

"Not helpful Rex." Andre said.

"Believe it or not, we are Jade's friends and are concerned for her welfare. We saw you there alone and thought we'd invite you over and meet you."

They were an odd group alright, but I sensed they were honestly being friendly. It felt good having some people that were interested in getting to know me. Jade though fascinating and beautiful, may never let me in. I decided to give them a chance.

I put my tray on the table and began to eat. "We'll here's the story."

Well Tori has met the group and though they left a bad first impression, some new friendships have been born. More to come.

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