Chapter 21 - The best laid plans

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Disclaimer: The show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

Twist of Fate

Chapter 21 – The best laid plans.

No One's POV

Both women felt their first date had gone wonderfully and were in high spirits the next day. They were both proud to show off their new couple status and one could see the quiet but proud smile on Jade's face as she pushed Tori through the halls.

Jade would push and Tori would direct her which way to go. Even during lunch, while Jade said little, all present could see her entire demeanor. Normally, she was tense, reminding many others of a cobra ready to strike. But today she was relaxed and a few times where Tori leaned in and gave her a surprise kiss, Jade would immediately blush.

"I'm very happy for you, both." Said Beck.

Tori quickly smiled. "Thank you."

"It's cool how you can function together." Added Robbie.

"What's your next date?" Asked Cat.

This time, Jade answered. "We talked it over this morning. We're going to the beach tonight. Spend some time on the boardwalk."

The rest of lunch was like that, them eating and talking about their new relationship.

They were together and all was perfect, at least until Ryder showed up. It was after lunch and Jade was pushing Tori back into the school when they noticed Ryder standing just inside the doorway.

He was leaning against the wall and had his arms crossed and gave the pair a condescending look.

"I heard about you two and just had to see the cripple with the eagle eye here. It figures you two would be together. Not that anyone else would want either of you." He then cracked a fake looking smile. "Well, its nice you two can be pathetic losers together."

Though unable to see precisely where he was, Jade stepped out in front of the wheel chair. "Shut your trap Ryder." She said menacingly.

Ryder let out a taunting laugh, and his antics had attracted the attention of a few other students. "Tell me Jade. She can't be all that much in bed, After all, what can she do besides just lie there. She can't be all that fun. Let's face it she's a pity fuck, But then again so are you."

Before Jade could even do anything, Ryder tore off down the hallways continuing to laugh.

While Jade stood there for a moment, her blood beginning to boil, she suddenly could hear Tori start to cry. She immediately knelt down and took Tori's hand. "It's ok. It's ok."

Tori said nothing but just continued to cry, as she felt totally and utterly humiliated.

Beck walked in right after that and noted a very upset looking Jade and Tori crying. Concerned, he went to see what was wrong. "What happened?" He said.

Jade seethed for a moment, as much as she wanted to find and murder Ryder, her first instinct was to comfort Tori. "Ryder Daniels. Happened that's what happened. He thought it was funny to humiliate me and Tori."

She then turned to Tori, felt around and when she found it, took her hand. "It's ok Baby."

Beck was a person that was very hard to anger, but that moment he suddenly found himself in a near uncontrollable rage.

"That Fuckers dead. I know where his next class is. I'm killing that fucker." He ranted.

Suddenly Tori grabbed his wrist. "No....No don't do that. If you hit him, he can have you charged with assault and kicked out of the school. His dad's a lawyer." Tori then turned to Jade "That goes for you too." Though terribly upset, Tori guessed that Ryder was actually trying to goad them into doing just that. So he could press charges and get them kicked out of school.

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