Chapter 18 - The Play's the thing..

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Disclaimer: The Show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

Twist of Fate

Chapter 18 – The Play's the thing..

Jade's POV

Tori and I, have spent a lot of time together since we've become friends. A lot of that time was spent in this very room, just talking. I do need to point out that Tori has yet to see my house, but that is simply because It's not very wheelchair friendly. In that time, her and I have become very close, as close as friends could be. It sounds strange, but being blind feels a lot like being locked in a dark room. I felt very alone in that dark room, but now there's a voice in there with me and I don't feel alone anymore.

But at the moment, Tori is crying her eyes out. She told me that just the fact that she can't remember the last happy hour she spent with her mom and sister torments her. Me, I'm just blind. The ability to see is the only thing I've lost and Tori has put that perspective into rather sharp focus.

But what hasn't been in focus lately are my own feelings. As I've become closer to my unlikely and very different friend, they've only gotten cloudier. I see her face in my mind constantly, I just want to be with her. I worry about her as she does about me. When she calls my name, my heart beat's just a bit faster. My feelings for her were growing beyond friendship, even though I didn't want to admit it. I just chalked it up as errant feelings, like a software glitch in a computer.

One of the other reasons I dare not think about my feelings or sexuality, was the fact that Tori just thinks of me as a good friend. If I do something like kiss her, she may never speak to me again. I can't lose her as a friend. I know I'm supposed to be the dark, angry cynical Goth who cares about nothing, but I care about her.

But right now, I'm holding her tight in my arms, as she sobs uncontrollably. As tight as I hold her, I want to hold her even tighter. Deep inside me, my heart aches for her. I can feel her pain, her loss. I just want to make her better, make her happy. It was that moment when it all came clear to me.

I wasn't falling for her, I already had fallen for her.

As I could feel her body pressed up against mine, smell her scent, hear her sobs, I realized that there was no one on this earth I wanted to be with.

It was a thunderbolt that struck my heart as I realized it. I was in love with Tori Vega.

Part of me wanted to tell her right then and there. But I had to fight that part of me off. She needs a friend, not a crazy lovesick Goth. If I love her, truly do, I must ignore my feelings and be the friend she needs.

No One's POV

Jade held Tori for at least 10 full minutes, gently rubbing circles in the Latina's back. Despite her internal revelation, she did focus on soothing distraught Tori. Eventually Tori stopped crying with a deep sigh and Jade felt the need to let Tori go. She didn't want to.

For a moment, Jade found herself glad that she was blind. She half wondered if she looked into Tori's eyes, would she have the strength to keep her secret. Much like the Medusa of ancient legend; look once into her eyes and you're finished.

"Are you alright Tori?"

"Yes Jade, thank you very much."

Jade suddenly felt Tori move a bit away from her on the bed. "I'm sorry Jade. I shouldn't have done that. I didn't mean to put you on the spot like that."

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