Chapter 10 - Soul Searching

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Disclaimer: The show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else.

Twist of Fate

Chapter 10 – Soul Searching.

No One's POV

After getting the full brunt of Tori's anger and pain, Jade just stood there in a state of shock. Her mind simply couldn't process all the information, and feelings that had just been heaped upon her. As strong as Jade's defenses were, Tori's word's had slashed right through them like a blade. The words had cut both deep and inflicted great pain. After a few moments, she listened and could not hear the tiny squeak of Tori's wheelchair.

She realized that she'd been abandoned. But that only half registered in Jade's paralyzed mind.

"Home." Jade mumbled, as she started to make her way in the direction. Fortunately, she remembered the exit was. Since her blindness, she had gotten good at keeping a mental map in her head of wherever she was.

As Jade kept going, the shock persisted. No one had confronted her like that. They had all shown nothing but sympathy and kindness. Tori had been the first to stand up to her. Within a few minutes, she had reached the automatic doors and they slid open in front of her. The warm breeze she felt on her face meant she was going in the right direction.

Remembering the bus stop was just down the sidewalk, Jade walked there. When her cane hit the corner of the bench at the bus stop, she knew she made it. Sitting there waiting for the bus, she tried to comprehend the pain the Tori must have felt.

Her thoughts were quickly interrupted by the arrival of the bus she needed to go home. In a service to the blind, the city busses have announced the route numbers over a small speaker as they arrived. This bus was the one she needed.

Jade, carefully stepped on the bus and pulled out her purse. She ran her bus pass through the card reader and as she moved back, she heard the voice of an elderly man say.

"There's an empty seat to the right of you."

One upon a time, Jade would have had a snippy reply. But now, in a state of shock, she merely said thank you and sat down. Jade just wanted to go home and lay down. Try and think and sort out how she felt. This bus would drop her off 4 blocks from her home. With each step of her walk, the shock seemed to fade. However, she gradually began to feel very depressed and sorry.

Just under an hour later Jade arrived at her front door. She knew it was hers, as hers was the 4th driveway. Upon entering the home, her mother poked her head out of the kitchen.

"Jade, you're home early? Are you ok?" She said, sounding a bit concerned.

Jade paused for a moment. "It's just a bit of a headache. I'm going to lie down.

Jade could hear her mother come closer. "A headache....Are you sure it's..."

"No, it's just a headache. A garden variety headache, nothing to worry about." Jade's stroke, started as sudden and rather severe headache. "

"Well, you know where we keep the aspirin, Medicine cabinet, top shelf, on the right.

"Mother died instantly." Tori's voice seemed to breeze through her head.

In the last year, Jade had rarely said thank you for anything. Her family let her get away with it, as they felt bad for her. Today she said it, without hesitation.

"Thanks Mom." Jade said softly.

"Well, I was supposed to show 2 houses this afternoon, but they both canceled. So, having time, I bought a roast and we're having that for dinner. It should be ready about 6:30."

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