Chapter 7 - The Orange

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Disclaimer: The show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

Twist of Fate

Chapter 7 – The orange.

Tori's POV

After making some dinner for myself, a salad, I took the wheelchair lift up and went to my room. I wanted to get off on the right off foot and study. Having that done, I was on my bed watching TV when my father arrived home a little after 8:30.

He appeared in the doorway with a smile. "Hey Tori, how was your first day?

I smiled back. "It was good. I liked my classes, though I was talked into taking a drama class instead of art history. It looks to be a fun one."

"Who talked you into it?" He said looking puzzled.

"The drama teacher, Mr. Sikowitz. I like his class. The rest of the day was good and I met some new friends. They invited me out tomorrow night to go to Nozu."

His smile vanished as I expected and was replaced with a look of concern. A look I've grown very tired of. "You just met them. I want to know all their names."

I was having such a good day. My father means well, but his overprotectiveness is stifling. "What, so you can run background checks on them?" I snapped, letting some resentment float to the surface.

My father took a step into the room. "Look Tori, I won't apologize for watching over you. You need to understand, you're all that I have left."

I suddenly felt a surge of guilt, this was an argument we've had had lots of times before. "I'm sorry; I just wanted to go out."

My father took a deep breath and exhaled "Tell you what. You give me one name and your back by 9 pm. But I want to meet your new friends sometime in the next few weeks. You can invite them over and I'll toss some steaks on the grill. Sound good."

I nodded. "That's fine. There is one other person I met."


"Her name is Jade. It was a misunderstanding at first. I thought she mocked my being in a wheelchair, but I didn't realize she's blind. She seems to be having a hard time adjusting to her recent blindness."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"So am I. She could be a friend eventually. I'm not sure."

My dad shrugged. "Well give her a chance, but you may need to let her come to you."

"I plan to."

The next day at school, I saw Jade at her locker when I arrived. I made a point to roll up to her. She must have heard my chair coming, as she looked up.

"Good morning, Jade." I said in a cheerful tone of voice.

She paused for a moment. I wish she wasn't wearing those large aviator sunglasses she always wears. I could get an idea what she was thinking.

"Oh...Hi Vega. I...I...Need to get going." She said quickly, as she slammed her locker shut and moved off. For a moment sound sounded almost nervous.

Cat who had seen me, walked up and put her hand on my shoulder. "At least you tried. I don't think she even knows how to deal with people anymore."

"Thanks Cat."

I didn't see much of Jade in the morning. Again, at lunch she was at her table. Wanting to try again, I rolled up my chair. She must have heard the slight squeak of my chair, because she looked up at me. She appeared to be reading a braille book of some kind.

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