Chapter 3 - 2nd time around

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Disclaimer: The Show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

Twist of Fate

Chapter 3 - 2nd time around.

No One's POV

Jade was beginning to get frantic. She found all she had in her bag, except her Pearpod and favorite pair of scissors. Not to mention, she couldn't find her sunglasses. As tough as she was, she couldn't help but cry. She felt so helpless.

She just kept feeling around but couldn't find them. But between her crying and concentrating on the search, she hadn't heard the sound of Tori's wheel chair coming up behind her.

Tori watched for a moment trying to figure out what she was seeing. Tori started to think. "Her Pearpod is right here, why doesn't she..."

The realization hit her like a bolt of lightning. "OH my god, you're blind." Tori blurted out.

What was worse to Jade, than crying and feeling helpless, was someone seeing her like that. "Go AWAY!" Jade shouted through the tears.

Tori knew what the girl was feeling and didn't move. "Your Pearod is about 2 feet to your left." Tori said in a calm voice.

Jade quickly reached in that direction along the floor and her hands came in contact with the device. She hurriedly shoved it in her bag. "You played good Samaritan, now pat yourself on the back and leave me alone." From the sound of the voice, Jade realized it was the same girl that called her a bitch earlier. Though more attached to her scissors, she didn't want to lose the Pearpod either, it was a special one for the use of the blind.

"I just want to help."

Jade looked at her with sightless eyes. They were a beautiful blue green, which made Tori's heart beat faster. "I don't want any help. I just want to find my scissors, my glasses and go home. "

"Sometimes people do need help." Tori said, as she inched to within a foot of Jade.

Jade's face seemed to darken. "What do you know about that or is all you know how to do is call people bitch." However just as she said it, Jade moved her arm out and instead of coming into contact with a leg, it hit something hard.

Not knowing what it was, she moved her hand and felt. She was touching something rubber, then she moved her hand a bit and realized there was some kind of large wheel.

"A wheel? What?" Jade said, confused.

"I know more about that, than you think." Tori said, with a visible note of sadness to her voice.

Jade felt more and suddenly realized the girl was in a wheelchair.

Jade was shocked. "You're in a wheelchair." Jade then paused for a moment as she thought. "No you can't be, you're fucking with me!" Jade spat out, through the tears.

Tori was hurt that she didn't believe her. "No, I'm not kidding. If you don't believe me, ask Lane or Principal Helen. They will verify that I am indeed confined to a wheel chair. Believe me, I wish it were not the case."


"Yes, I'm paralyzed from the waist down. I'm sorry I called you bitch earlier. I didn't realize you were blind. You couldn't have known. I thought you were mocking my disability. Though frankly I hate the word disabled. I'm a normal person who just can't walk. Disabled implies, at least to some people, that you're less than a person."

Jade though angry, bitter and mean would never mock someone's disability. She in fact was very sensitive about having her blindness mocked, as Ryder Daniels had done just before.

Wiping a tear. "I'm sorry I said that. I didn't know."

"It's ok."

"I'm Jade, Jade West." The Goth said as she cautiously extended her hand.

"I'm Victoria Vega. But my friends call me Tori. Pleased to meet you." Jade couldn't help but feel, that the girl shook her hand just a fraction longer than the time of a normal handshake.

"Jade, I see your sunglasses, what else are you missing?"

" scissors. I like scissors. I always carry a pair." A no longer crying Jade said, after a second of hesitation. She was extremely reluctant to accept the girl's help, but Jade knew this girl understood what it was like.

"Well, your glasses are at about the 11 o'clock position about 4 feet away." Hearing that, Jade immediately moved along the floor and found her glasses. Once back on her face, Jade felt much better.

"Found em...Your scissors." Tori called out.


"They skidded about 12 feet and are currently sitting underneath the A/V cart that's next to the wall. There I can't reach them, but I'll roll over to it and you can follow the sound of my voice."

Tori rolled her chair over to the cart and said. "OK, Jade. I'm next to the cart. Just follow my voice."

Jade got up and followed the sound of Tori's voice to the metal cart. Feeling down on the floor under it, her fingers came into contact with the blades of her favorite item. She immediately pulled it out and held it to her chest.

Jade stood there for a moment and in a low tone of voice said. "Thank you. I don't think I ever would have found them. This is my favorite pair. I'd hate to lose them."

"You're welcome, Jade. I was glad to help. Again, I'm sorry for the misunderstanding earlier."

Jade shoved the scissors in her bag, stood up and put her cane out in front of her. To Tori she appeared for a moment as if she didn't quite know what to say. The atmosphere suddenly became very awkward.

"Well Jade, I need to get to class. Bye." Tori said as she started to roll off.

Tori hoped Jade would say something but she seemed not to. But just as she was about to turn the corner Tori could hear Jade say.

"See you round Vega. At least in a manner of speaking."

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