Chapter 22 - The game of life

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Disclaimer: The show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

Twist of Fate

Chapter 22 – The game of life.

No One's pov.

Jade eventually did fall asleep, though it did take her some time, as the business with Ryder stuck firmly in her mind. Eventually, she was able to push it aside and sleep peacefully.

She woke sometime later and as always, experienced that bitter moment when upon opening her eyes from sleep, hoped to see. It's natural for a person to wake up, open their eyes and expect to see something. Jade was no different. After an instant she would remember her blindness and just move on with her day.

Jade yawned and sat up in bed. Soon she could feel Tori begin to stir slightly. A second later she could feel Tori's hand run up her back.

"Hey there beautiful." She could hear Tori say tenderly.

"Hey." Said Jade, not sounding very up.

"What's wrong?"

"When I wake up, for an instant, I expect to see. But then I remember. I can still see in my dreams you know. Green, blue, red, white, all the colors are there. I have these curtains in my room. Thick heavy velvet curtains to keep out the light. I loved being in the dark, I hated the light. But since I was blinded, I realized something."

"What's that."

"That without the light, the dark is meaningless. Light gives it boundary, shape, form, contrast. Alone, dark is a meaningless empty void. Nothing. Not being able to see has robbed me of my ability to enjoy the dark." Jade then shook her head and swung her legs over the side of the bed.

Jade suddenly reminded herself of Tori's sister and mother, making her feel rotten. "Never mind. It's just more of my self-pitying bullshit."

Tori propped herself up, grabbed her legs and swung them over the side of the bed and shuffled herself next to Jade. She then rested her head on Jade's shoulder.

"Jade, I need to remember that your suffering is just as real to you as mine is to me. I've lost a lot, but you have too. I can't forget that. This isn't a contest as to who's lost more. I know I came down on you hard a while back but, you are entitled to suffer."

The pair remained quiet for a moment until Tori looked at the clock. "Oh Chiz. I have a game tonight. In just over an hour."


"It's 6:12 in the evening and I have a wheelchair basketball game at 7:30. Not to mention my dad is coming by at 7 to take me there."

"I know I can't see, but can I come?"

"Of course. Just knowing that you're there will mean everything to me. Oh. I know we haven't spoken about this but I would like to tell my father about us. Sooner the better."

Jade could feel surge of fear run through her. "How do you think he'll react."

"Honestly. I don't know. But I'd like to think he'd be supportive. We can tell him after the game. Is that ok with you?"

Jade nodded. "Yeah."

"One more thing. Unless I have to, I don't want to mention the Ryder thing to my dad. He's very protective of me. He'll freak if he finds out. He's liable to charge right over to Ryder's dad's house and lord knows what will happen. He's gone and that's that."

Jade bit her lip as she pushed aside her worry that he wasn't. "Ok."

Tori got in her chair, rolled into the bathroom to wash up, then pulled her uniform out of her dresser. Jade sat there and talked with Tori as she readied. Jade even helped Tori get her shoes and socks on. They then went downstairs where Tori made her and Jade sandwiches for dinner. Tori of course would have liked to prepare something nicer, but time did not allow.

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