Chapter 4

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I froze.

'' Jungkook, are you hiding something from me? ''

I said nothing.

'' Hello? Jungkook? Do you hear me?''

'' What? Yes.'' I was quiet for few moments. '' No, I'm not hiding anything from you. You know that, you are my best friend. Also,... why are you asking? '' I think I just had the most nervous laughter in my life.

'' Oh,... you are acting so strange lately. And I feel like you are hiding something, like a huge secret. I don't know, maybe I'm crazy, ...''

'' No, Jimin, you are not crazy and I am not hiding anything from you. '' Oh how I hated to lie to him. He really didn't deserve this, especially not from me.

'' Okay. But please, Jungkook, if you have something to say to me, please, say it. I would understand that and I will be on your side, always. ''

I could feel how I would tear up here, but I still haven't said the words that Jimin wanted to hear, I was quiet.

''I know that and really, you don't need to worry about me. '' I smile and give him a hug. ''Thank you for caring, you are really nice. ''

I can feel his smile and he hugs me tighter. Then we go watch movie 'til the end. Jimin falls asleep and I go to my room, turning of my lights, except one, that is on my nightstand. This is how I can still see his lips even tho I can't hear what he's saying. Jimin still thinks that I am afraid of night or something. I really wish that he would't think that, but I am okay with it, as long he doesn't know.

Why is everything involving around him? Why do I think so much about him?

I go to sleep and this isn't the first time that he had slept in my house, he usually does it and if I am honest, I really love him here, so I don't feel lonely all the time.

After few minutes (maybe half an hour) I can sense that he came into my room. I still got my light on so I could saw him. He goes to my bed and now we are cuddling. I love his sent, he smells like really fresh, I can't really describe how he smells, but he feels like home. He feels like I'm his.

''Goodnight, Jungkook, '' I can see his lips moves, so I say goodnight back. We fall asleep imediatelly and what do you know, I can feel his lips on my neck. No, he's not awake, actually, he's sleeping, but I enjoy this way to much. I enjoy how close we are and how I feel he was made for me and ... I don't want to let him go, like never. I don't want him or me to graduate and go seperate ways. I want him to stay with me, forever. And I am so egoistic, I want him all to be mine. Mine. I am so posessive.

He turns around now in his sleep and I feel guilty.

Park Jimin,... will you be my boyfriend one day?

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