Chapter 17

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"Jungkook, do you still want to be my boyfriend?" I asked, without thinking. I put my hand over my mouth but it was already too late, Jungkook heard me.



His smile is now huge. "Yes. I would love to be your boyfriend."

I give him a big, warm hug and he kisses me on my lips, like a small peck. I can't ever have enough of his lips, they are so, ... irresistible.

"Can we now study? Or do our homework? Well, after we finish school. I wanna come over to your place," Jungkook says.

"Okay, no problem," I say and his face lightens up. I made him so happy by saying this, and I don't know why.

"After we finish class, we do our homework and I can show you few signs so we can talk,... so I can't have to read your lips all the time."

"I would love to do that. Yeah, we can. And I always want to sign."

"Deal," he says.


After few hours, I can't wait to actually be with Jungkook, laugh with him, chat with him, well,... everything with him. I know that I should be angry that he lied to me, but I figure that he had a really good reason, he did know, that I was going to be upset if he had told me sooner, so yeah, I get him and if I was in his shoes, I would probably do the same thing.

In my house, I lay on my bed, well not really, but you get the point and Jungkook's head is on my legs, having a support so he can write. I find it very cute and whenever I have problem with homework, I just ask him with a touch on his shoulders, then he turns around to me, he gives me the smile and helps me with the problem.

If he has a problem, he just say "Jimin?" and I am already listening to what problem he has. This goes one for a two hours because we are chatting in the mean time and Jungkook can't hear me so he is 'listening' by watching my mouth.

"Okay," he says. "Now, as we finished -at last- our homework, I can teach you some signs."

I'm happy to learn, because then he don't need to have a difficult time to listen to me by watching lips. I bet it get's tiring.

"First word,.. I'm gonna teach you how to say your name and then I'm gonna show you a sign to tell your name in one move, yeah?"

"Wait, so there is to way to say one's name?"

"Yeah, basically; you can ... spell it like this;" He shows with a hand: *J-I-M-I-N* or, you can say it with one shot. I always imagine your name like that;" With one hand he goes to his heart, his fingers shaped in a *J* and he goes to his mouth, like kissing his hand.

Is he making joke of me or something? (btw I just made that up, I don't know how to say Jimin in a sign language)

"Are you for real?"


"Ugh, fine.*

I put my right hand on my heart, J-shaped and then I put it on my mouth like I was going to kiss it. I felt reddicilous.

"You got it!" He says with a happy smile. "Now, you have already sign my name with letters, now, you need to sign it with one go. I'm gonna show you and you repeat after me."

With his left fingers he goes over his head, again J-shaped. (again, I just made that up.)

I do as he showed and for a reward, I get a kiss.

"Now, can you show me how to say, *kiss me*?"


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