Chapter 16

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I fell asleep with a teary eyes and when I woke up, I couldn't move from bed; everything make so hard for me, that I just could't bear with it. It was driving me crazy.

I did manage to wake up before my self-made deaf clock starts to flashing so I can wake up.

The funny (well, now it's not funny) thing was, that Jimin thought my clock was cute; like that I have unique taste in clocks, not that I can't hear anything.

I always consider myself lucky to have a friend like him and now, I had lost him. I want to call or text him again (again, video call, not regular call) but I knew, that he wouldn't pick up, so I got up, ate my breakfast and brushed my teeth.

My parents weren't surprised that I got up so early, they just gave me a worry look, but they did not question me and again, I was so happy to have them as my parents.

Today we had an English test and let me tell you, my English was not that good, but it was somehow better than Jimin's, which meant that even though I couldn't hear what teacher was saying, I still manage to say it correctly. Maybe I was a golden kid or something,...?

Today, I also drove to school and before class, I studied for 15 minutes, so I can be prepared for whatever the teacher do for the test. I was slightly scared, but I manage to keep myself calm.

Jimin, on the other hand, he looked like he was going to puke and not in a good way (is there a good way to say, that somebody's gonna puke?). He was almost shaking and yeah, you can say I was better prepared than him. I knew that I wanted to make him feel better, like no matter if he is still angry at me or not.

I went to him, grabbed his hand lightly (I was in shocked that he didn't pushed me away) and said: "Jimin, I know that you are mad at me, but I must say to you; you got this, don't be scared."

I don't know what happened, but he started to cry. He just hugged me and I never want to let go. After few minutes, he slightly backed out, so I could read his lips: "I'm sorry, Jungkook, I don't know if I can do it. You know how bad I am in English."

I smiled and show him for the first time the ASL (yeah I know that that means American Sigh language, I really don't know how to say in Korean, so let's pretend it's Korean sign language (KSL?)). *Jimin, I'm with you.*

"What,... what did you just tell me,..?" He said. I smiled and showed him again. *Jimin, I love you.*

"That was totally different," he laughed. "And I know that you said that you love me, but what was the first gesture?"

"Jimin," I said. I showed him again. He's smile is now big and that is all that it matters, I really don't want to see him cry, especially if it's from me.

"How do I say your name?" He asks.



"What was letter 'k' again?"

*k,* I signed.

*k-o-o-k. Jun-gkook*

I smiled widely, Jimin really was something. I was so proud of him, he still seemed angry, but not as much as yesterday.

*Jungkook* he signed.

I nodded. "Yeah, you got my name right."

Jimin looks at me with a big question on his lips. "If I pass this English test,... will you teach me how to sign?"


"Was that a yes?"


"Okay, got it, that was a yes."

We did study, and this time, we both helped each other, when we finished, I was so happy, I kind of got my friend back.

We took the test and somehow, I was really good at it, like even thought I thought I was going to fail, for the first time, I felt so,... easy, like the whole world was off my chests. Jimin also looked really confident, he was never like this.

"How was it?" I asked him.

"I think, this is going to be a pass."

"Yeah same," I said with a big smile on my face. "Jimin, do you wanna come over?"

"Yes, of course!"

"So,... you are not mad at me?" I asked.

"Not anymore." He gives me a hug. "Jungkook, do you still want to be my boyfriend?"

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