Chapter 6

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We arrived to the swimming pool (you can even say swimming city) and we got change quickly; my swimsuits were red with one white stripe on it, Jungkook's wore black swimsuits. 'Black really suits him,' I said in my mind and I smiled at him.

''You look amazing,'' I said and he gave me his big bunny teeth smile.

''You too, Jimin. Let's go?''

''Okay,'' I grinned at him and his smile was even bigger this time if that's even possible. Jungkook was first to be at pool and I could tell that he was slightly scared, but fear not, he soon did put his foot in the water. After few seconds he pushed his whole body into slightly warm water. He dunked and came back after few seconds.

''Okay, my turn! '' I said happily and also dunk myself, but I jumped instead of putting my foot in it. I could hear Jungkook said ''Show off,'' and I chuckled. He took a few deep breaths and went underwater and he 'landed' on the other side of the pool. I gotta say, that was impressive, I don't know if I could do that myself, but I also took few deep breaths and went underwater. Everythibg went well, until I could literally feel how I was without breath and I could feel that I was somewhat drowning, and the feeling wan't nice. I almost passed out, but I could feel hands on my stomach, they were saving me. I could feel that my body was on the ground but I couldn't breath. Then, I felt lips on mine. They were soft, but also whoever was doing that was keeping me alive, because I cough few ml of water out of my lungs.

''Jimin, are you okay? '' I could her Jungkook's voice.

''Yeah, ... yeah. I'm fine. I'm feeling just fine. '' I could see that he was the one who saved me.

''Thank you so much Jungkook. You saved me. ''

He blushed. ''It was nothing really. But Jimin, what were you thinking? If you knew that you couldn't went this far, why did you do it? Are you an idiot? ''

I have never seen Jungkook being so angry at me. '' I'm so sorry, Jungkook. I didn't meant to drown myself today. '' I said sarcastically- but he interrupted me.

'' I know, I know. But please, do never EVER do that again. I was so scared! ''

The life guard saw what happened, so he did say few words about that -we were both scolded- and they he both leave us alone. Jungkook still looked angry and he didn't want to even speak with me for few minutes.

''Kookie,...'' I sighed.

''Kookie, c'mon, you know that it was a accident!''

''Accident my ass. You think that I was fine watching it? I almost had a heart attack, Jimin. I was so afraid.''

''Jungkookie, ...''

''No,'' he said and then he left me with my mouth open. Since when is he so rude to me? I didn't deserve it.

''Jungkook! '' I screamed after him and he was pretending not to hear me.

''Jungkook! Jungkook!!! '' I was yelling and went after him. When I reached him, he finally stopped. He turned around, but he didn't say a word. He was waiting to me to speak and h was still clearly angry.

''What Jimin? ''

''I'm sorry, okay?'' he was just watching me. Then he sighed.

And then he said few words that I couldn't believe that he said it.

''This is what I get for being in love with you,'' me whisper under his breath.

... WHAT?!

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