prolog: "Denki's first steps"

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Aashini walked through the gala ballroom. The party was boring and to quiet for her liking. She hated the black high heels her mother made her wear. The dress she wore was to tight. She liked the color it was, yellow, but hated everything else about it. She hated how her chest felt. It felt too exposed. She didn't like her looks at all. But her mother was strict..

Aashini wished she was in her T-shirt and ripped black jeans. And her sneakers. She loved her sneakers. But most importantly, she wanted to look more like a boy then THIS. She felt deep down she was a boy but everyone said different... She never told her siblings about it... Her parents reacted too badly when she described what she was feeling to do that.

"Miss Kaminari! You look stunning as ever tonight! You look just like your mother when she was your age!" Mr Thompson said.

He was a business partner of her parents. He was an older dude with a big stomach. He was nice but Aashini wasn't that close to him to know if he was genuine or not.

"Thank you, Mr Thompson. You enjoying the party..?" She asked. She really didn't want to talk to anyone but had too. Her mother would flip.

"Why yes, yes I-"

"EVERYONE GET TO THE GROUND!!!" Gunshots were set off. Everyone screamed. Some ran, others did what they were told. Aashini was pulled to the ground near the wall. She looked up to see a masked man pointing a gun at her. She froze.

Soon everyone was on the ground with their hands on their heads. Majority wept. Aashini glared around.  What did these guys want. Aashini slipped her heels off. Just in case...

"YOU WANT TO PROTECT YOUR MOMMY KID?! HUH?! YOU LIKE THE GUN TO YOUR FACE?!" One of the attackers yelled. He grabbed a little boy by his hair and pointed then gun up his nose. The kid was crying and screaming.

Aashini didn't know what happened. Soon her feet were running towards the man. Dhe jumped into the air and kicked him in the throat. He stubbled backwards and dropped the gun. The gun went off but it didn't hit anyone that Aashini knew of. The kid ran off to him mom again, burying his face in his mothers neck.

What the fuck did I just do?!

"AASHINI!!!" She heard his brother yell. Suddenly she was hit in the back of the head and hit the ground. She wasn't knocked out but her head hurt too much. She then was pulled by her hair upwards.

"EVERYONE SIT THE FUCK BACK DOWN OR YOU ALL DIE!!" Yelled the man that held her. She stuggled to get out of his grasp but he had a good fist full of her bright yellow hair. The man looked down at her. His eyes narrowing.

"Tch. Trouble maker." He said and pointed his gun at her. The tip of the gun only an inch away from her eye. Aashinis eyes grew wide in fear.

Suddenly a crash sounded and the man was tackled to the ground. Realising Aashini. Aashini watched as the pro hero Eraserhead continued to punch the man unconscious. Aashini looked around and saw many pro heros doing the same thing.

Aashini didn't know what to do. But she saw the heros and felt something change in her. It was life changing... she saw the heros saving people and the people cheered and cryed at the same time. Aashini felt.... awoken..

"AASHINI!!" Her mother squealed. She looked to see her mother and brothers running over. They picked her off the ground and hugged her tight.

"What the fuck were you thinking!?" Her eldest brother Bolt yelled. Cupping her face.

"I wasn't." Aashini said through her smushed face. They hugged her too tight again. Aashini looked at Eraserhead. The man nodded and aashini did the same as a thanks. She didn't stop staring at him though. He turned to take care of the rest of the criminals. She watched as he walked away.

I think I just found my goal in life...



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