Chapter 16: "bolt, meet Denki"

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Im changing the Kaminari brothers names because of how hard most of them are to remember.

(1st born) Bolt -> bolt (same)

(2nd born)(college teach) is now Ranto

(3rd born)(twin to 2nd)(junior) is now Thor

(4th was Aashini/denki) stays the same obviously.

(5th 10 months after 4th) Zeus

After the incident they went back to the dorms. They all secretly stayed the night in Ayoamas room. They all didn't want to be alone after that. They made a sleep pile on the flood. Denki was happy they did but all the mirrors in Ayoamas room creeped him out a little. But all well.

Denki took his mind off of the events by hanging out and annoying the Bakusquad. They preformed pranks daily together on their classmates and teachers. Bakugo took the responsibility of cooking for everyone and they all ate together like a family.

It made denki miss his a little bit... he missed his siblings but not his mother. His dad was neglectful but denki didn't think it was personal. Denki just didn't think he didn't know how to speak or act twords his kids. He always spent so much time at work that it practically took over his life. Atleast he wasn't toxic about it though. His mom was a model but was pretty toxic. Denki remembered all the times she forced or fought her about him not wanting to model. It would either end in 1 of 2 ways. 1 being Aashini modeled regardless of not wanting too or his mom would be ground him for a week and be mad the whole time. It wasn't fun. Denki preferred mina as a mom.

"Denki don't slerp." Mamma mina ordered at the lunch table.

"But it annoys kacchan though!" Denki defended. Across from him was bakugo with a look of murder in his eyes. Denki grinned as he continued to slerp. He feared no god.

"You excited for the training today!? Mr Aizawa said a hero was going to visit us!" Sero said.

"Hell yeah! I wonder who it is." Kirishima said.

"Whoever it is i hope they're hot." Denki said before he slurped his noodles very loudly making bakugo growl.

"You're such a perv." Mina stated.

"Says you!" Kirishima yelled as he threw a ball of tin foil at her face. She giggled.

Denki spotted shinso sneaking into the lunchroom to empty his tray. Drnki threw everything down, jumped up, and ran to shinso. He ran up behind him and jumped on him.

"HAI TOSHI!!" Denki bounced next to the started boy.

"DENKI! You almost gave me a damn heart attack!" Shinso said as he put a hand on his chest. Denki leand next to the trash bin.

"Because im so 💫IRRESISTIBLE💫?" Denki asked as he bit his lip and put his chin inbetween his thump and pointer finger as it was pointing to the side.

"No." Shinso said flattly.

Denki did a dramatic act as he 'swooned' with a hand on his chest. "OH! toshi you hurt me so much!" Denki dramatically said. Shinso unwillingly grinned and rolled his eyes.

"Herd your class is getting a special guest. Must be nice." Shinso said.

"Oh toshi, it's not that bad! I'm sure you'll catch the eye of many heros one day! Then you'll out rank all of UA! I just know it!" Denki incouraged. Shinso leaned on the wall next to him.

"Heh. I'm sure you will be the one that catches people's eyes one day. I mean, you already catch everyones eyes so it makes sence for more people to notice the more you grow." Shinso stated.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2022 ⏰

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