Chapter 1: "Denki kaminari"

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Aashini pulled her hood on more. Desperate to not be recognized. She snuck out a few minutes ago from her family's mansion. It was late and she knew everyone was asleep. Hopefully.

She ran down the street some more and entered the barbershop. It said closed on the front but her friend Sue said she'd be waiting. She quickly closed the door behind her.

"Bought time gurl! I thought you got cornered! It's dangerous to be out at this time around here. Couldn't this wait tel mornin?" She asked.

"No. This is one of the rare time i could get away. If we were to wait, I'd be 5 months later and i dont have that time." Aashini said. She quickly took off her jacket and hung it up and took a chair.

"I'm ready."

Few hours later, Aashini's hair was on the ground. All of it. Only small pickles of hair remained on her head.

"Lets get started." Sue said.

The next few hours was of the two pairing up to make two wigs out of the long hair. Aashini was silently thanking her mother for never getting her hair cutt ever sence she was born. The hair was all the way to her ankles when she came.

The first wig was short. Like a boys but not too short. Infact, many would consider it long for a male. But it wasn't long enough to put it in a ponytail. It floofed out in the back a bit and looked like her brother's hair styles. They used some hair dye to put Aashini's birth mark that was in her hair, A black lightning bolt.

The second was longer but still short. It went down to Aashini's boobs which was a big difference then before. They did the same with this one and used black hair dye to make the birth mark. It looked perfect.

The two stepped back from the wigs on the models. Admiring their work. They both smiled at each other. Aashini felt her heart grow warm. Tears started to fall. She was getting closer to being comfortable in her body... she was going to look like what she felt inside... a boy.... sue hugged her. They both began to laugh and cry at the same time. Everything was comeing together...

"I got the written part of the exam here too. I'll help you through it sence you can't read Japanese that well yet."

Aashini's eyes light up even more. Which sue thought was impossible but it warmed her heart to see her friend this happy.

They both sat down and filled out the written part of the exam to UA. Sue made a fake ID for Aashini. They made it so that any calls to check the background would all go to the barbershop. They all had different phone numbers and they had a friend that will cover them when they go to see were the calls were made.

"What do you want your new name to be?" Sue asked.

"Denki. Denki kaminari."

"You sure you want to use your last name?" Sue asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yes. My brother is a pro and they always misspelled his hero name that was similar to that. If anything goes wrong, they'd think it was a miscommunication about him. Plus, i like it.. its cute." Aashini smiled.

"Well," sue handed her the fake ID. "Welcone to the world Denki kaminari."

Aashini looked through her window. It was still dark inside like she left it. She checked if her long wig was secure, it was, like a rock. She opened the window and crawled inside. She closed her window and released a breath she didn't know she was holding.

Suddenly a hand covered her mouth and the light flicked on. She saw her 4 older brothers in her room. Bolt was the one covering her mouth. He released her when she gave him a 'really?' Look.

"Where were you?" Adad asked.

Bolt was the oldest, he just graduated and was going to move out this week. He was a pro hero and was 24.

Adad was the second born. He was 17 and was a teacher. He's insanely smart. He graduated when he was 14. He too was going to move out, but on his 18th birthday. It wouldn't surprise aashini if he ran out the door as soon as it struck midnight that day.

Barak was the third born. He was adads twin but was born after him. He wasn't blessed with as much smarts as Adad. He was struggling but was a junior.

Adraksh was born 10 months after Aashini but acted older. He was 15 right now.

Aashini pointed to her hair. They all grew wide eyed as they saw it wasn't put up like usual. It was cutt.

"Moms going to kill you!" Adrakish yelled.

Aashini rolled her eyes. "I welcome death at this point."

"Why did you want to cutt your hair?" Bolt asked.

"Thats rich comeing from YOU!" Aashini shot back. The man allways had his hair short as hell. He raised his hands up in surrender.

"Seriously though, moms going to freak..." Adad said. "What if beats you? You know we cant help you!"

"I don't want to be saved thanks. Im not a princess." Aashini growled. She looked away from them angry. She didn't want to be treated like a fragile thing.

"So you WANT a beating?" Barak asked sarcastically.

"Yes." Aashini said smartly.

"You could have just dropped something you know. You didn't have to sneak out." Bolt said.

"I have my reasons." Aashini said, smerking at herself in the mirror.

The boys looked at each other worryingly then back at aashini.

"What are they then?" Barak asked.

Aashini leaned on her desk and crossed her arms. Showing off a devilish smirk. She put her finger to her mouth.

"Shh, that's my little secret~"

"WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING!?" Aashini's mother yelled and slapped her across the face. Her bothers stood nervously in a side by side line. Their father staring daggers into them that said they would be dead if they helped.

"Oh i was just thinking something new was in order. Don't ya think?" Aashini said smart-assly.

She knew her mother not dare put a hand on her tonight, or the next. Aashini had school to do. A new school. One of the highest in Japan. And Aashini must not have a mark on her or I'd be bad for the family name.

Her mother looked at her with so much hatred it probably could shatter the strongest of men. The image stook into Aashini's head, but she did not falter.

Her mother pointed a finger into her face. "Listen here you brat! If you EVER do something like this again they'll find your body in a river!!!" With that, their parents left angerly.

Her brothers looked at her worryingly. But to their surprise, Aashini was smiling a devilish smile.

"Challenge accepted." With that, she went back upstairs to her room with the same devilish smirk on her face.

"Let me off here." Aashini said to the limo driver.

"B-but miss! The school is-"

"Just follow orders handsome, thanks!" She closed the window. Her brothers, Barak and Adraksh, looked at her like she grew two heads.

"What has gotten into you lately?" Barak asked.

"I found a way to be myself. DON'T, ruin it." Aashini dared. She got out and started walking down the road. Putting on her hoodie and pulling it over her head.

She snuck into an allyway near UA. She slipped out of the uniform she had on and began changing into the UA uniform.

Making sure the binder was on tight she looked at herself on her phone camera. She looked just like a boy. Aashini smiled. She walked out of the allyway and walked to the ua gates.

"Welcome to UA Denki. Your life begins here."



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