chapter 9: "attendance"

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Denki waved bye to shinso. Shinso returned the gesture at the front door of his house. Denki could tell shinso senced something was off. But non the less Denki played the role of everything being fine.

Denki walked towards the train and got lost in thought. He had to give the pros a heads up tomorrow about the attack. Denki settled on the idea of a note. He'd go to the bathroom and sneek a note into one of the pros papers. Directly were they would see. Denki only hoped they didn't see it as some sort of prank.. i mean... if they did they would take it seriously next time. I don't want there to be a next time...

The train beeped and denki borded the train along with the crowd. Denki hung onto the handles above and was pretty cruched. He kept getting shoved but at this time he was used to it. Denki continued to be lost in thought.

He thought about his body.. and how it still was feminine underneath the clothes.. He hated it.. denki thought about top and bottom surgery. He was getting VERY big chunks of money from dancing so money shouldn't be a problem.. only the medical history, and check ups, and medicine, and recovery would be a problem.. and medical insurance.. denki needed a place for those bills to be sent.. denki needed a place, an apartment maybe..

He wasn't going to lie, he missed having a place to relax. Ever sence Aashini died he's been on the constant go. Back and forth between school and work was becoming a bit boring. Not to mention having those free hours for times when possible friends might want to hang out. Denki was still a bit distant from everyone and didn't really belong to a group of friends. He's kind of been waiting for someone to grab him like a product on a shelf. Sero was a good friend and so was kirishima and mina. But so far him and Mineta have been the closest of friends.

So yeah, a place was in order. Maybe he could ask one of his coworkers for advice. Maybe they could help.. denki really wanted to transition though... fast..

Him not having a male body was getting in the way of things anyways. People in the locker room thought it was strange of him and he has had a few instances where someone wanted to slap him with a towel and tryed to beak into the stall.. not to mention when they're training he gets subconscious and tryes to cover himself up. It made running worrisome.. he was sure many noticed and thought denki was subconscious about his body. Which he was but for different reasons then they probably assumed.

Then time was an issue aswel... denki needed time for the surgery and recovery.. denki pulled out his phone and googled how long top surgery would take. 1-2 weeks until he could return but... with physical labor like training it could take 4-6 weeks... that's a lot of time... when could denki squeeze in the time without suspicion? Plus all the homework... maybe the summer would be the time... but if he did that, that leaves the remaining year of constant paranoia of someone seeing the binder...

Maybe he can hack UAs system like he did the prep school... but then again this is UA we're talking about... hacking their system would basically be hacking into the governments.. but it'd be worth it right...? If he could magically get away with it he could give himself excused absences again... only problem would be how much he's missing school... all the homework would come back to hit him...

What about Christmas break? That's 2 weeks and finals would be then.. denki went to his schools website and searched for the finals rules.. he found them after a few minutes. The rules where if you didn't have more then 2 absences and either a A or a B you didn't have to take the finals.. that means if denki got his grades up and didn't miss- denki checked his absences. He hasn't missed a day yet. If he kept it up, he won't have to take the finals.

Back to the hacking plan, if he did succeed, he could give himself the- oh wait. No, that wouldn't work. Regardless of if they were excused It'd count as absences and denki will need to take the final if he did that.. maybe the 2 weeks after Christmas break... that could work. And denki can take the last final. That would work.

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