Chapter 11

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(Jimin's P.O.V) 

She stared at me, her eyes wide. My heart was beating fast, my body stiff. I'd never been so worried about how a girl felt about me. When she opened her mouth to speak, her lips curved up into a wide smile which made my body fill with warmth as she said, "of course, Jimin-ah."

I took her home shortly after, because like HyoJin had predicted, her mum called and yelled at her asking her to hurry home. 

As she got out the car, she turned around leaving me with one last gorgeous grin before rushing to her front door, her long hair bouncing.

When I pulled up home, I sat in the garage in my car for a while just thinking. I was so happy - she really accepted my feelings and felt the same?

The entire day was going through my head now, like it did around this time each night.

The girls who always tried to talk to me, batting their eyelashes through layers upon layers of mascara,

The way I felt when I looked at HyoJin in her natural state - just walking down the halls, when she didn't even know I was there; I just watched her perfect face when she smiled and bowed to the teachers passing by.

And today, how she asked me why I never took my car to school. Should I have told her the truth..? Aish, no that's embarrassing. Truthfully, my mum insisted that I take my car to school each day instead of taking the bus, so that my father could have more space in the garage during the day. But since I met HyoJin, I wanted to take the bus so I could go to school with her in the morning. Cheesy, I know. Maybe I should just start picking her up for school in the morning in my car, since we're a couple and all.. But then she'll wonder why I'm 'allowed' to use it again, right? Aiiishhh..

Then, I thought about Taehyung. Was I too over the top today? I know that he's always silly and flirty around girls, it's just the way he is. It never bothered me before, but I got over protective of HyoJin and probably freaked him out today; I've never been like that towards him. If he says he doesn't like HyoJin.. then I believe him. He wouldn't lie to me anyway, I know that. Besides, he likes that girl in his English class, doesn't he? I thought to myself.

Once all these thoughts had settled, I decided to call Taehyung and tell him the good news. I wanted him to be the first to know, since he was my best friend. And also, I needed to apologize for snapping at him..

(Taehyung's P.O.V)  

"You.. wh-what?" I stuttered, not believing what I was hearing.

"I did it.. I confessed to her.." Jimin trailed off. I could hear the happiness in his voice.

"And, hyung? She accepted you, right?" As always, I put on my cheeky excited voice that I usually had. But right now, I was forcing it.

"She did.. Tae, she's my girlfriend now!" 

Is this how it feels to be heart broken? Wow, it doesn't feel too great. Hopefully I'll get over this. It can't be heart break, right? Just.. jealousy.. 

"Omo Hyung, that's great. I'm happy for you." I chuckled.

"But, guess what else?" he giggled on the other end of the phone, barely containting himself.


"I kissed her."

(Author's P.O.V)  

-Wednesday Morning-

"Hey, can I pick you up for school soon? In my car?" Jimin asked on the end of the phone.

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