Chapter 19

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(Taehyung's P.O.V)

It was Saturday now, and I hadn't heard from Jimin since Thursday. HyoJin was getting increasingly worried, as was I and the guys. I called his home phone and his mother picked up, saying that he was "busy, sorry Taehyung."

So if his mother knew he was busy, he wasn't missing. I was glad about that at least. But HyoJin was leaving tomorrow and I had my uncles wedding today; so I couldn't help her get a hold of him. I knew sometimes he went AWOL and it was usually because of something happening in his life, that was making him depressed or angry. He would usually go and spend time with his cousin in the countryside - I assumed that's where he was.

But if he was there, I knew things wouldn't be so good. I've had to pick him up from there on several occasions, after Gayoon cheating on him, and he would be in a bad state. His cousin was a bad influence, being an alcoholic at the age of twenty-five.

HyoJin hadn't heard from him since their small disagreement at school on Thursday, and I hadn't heard from him since karaoke on Thursday either. No one had - except his mum, who wasn't giving away hints on her sons where abouts.

I have a wedding to go to, I thought, as I paced my living room, the guys will have to take care of this.

(Jungkook's P.O.V)

I had a date this particular Saturday - which no none knew about. However, I had to call it off when the subject of Jimin came up again. I managed to round up Seokjin and Hoseok to come with me to Jimin's cousins, which is where Taehyung assumed he'd be, and took HyoJin along with us.

"Hey, don't worry so much. He seemed fine on Thursday with us, it won't be your fault HyoJin-ah." I rested a hand on her shoulder to console her.

Seokjin was driving, Hoseok was in the passenger seat and HyoJin and I were in the back.

She smiled weakly in response. I think she was realizing that this was her last chance to see Jimin and make things better before she left for her dads tomorrow.

I knew where Jimin's cousin lived - it was far out in the country, well not too far, but at least a good forty minutes out of Seoul. If he wasn't there, we would have to go back and ask his mother again. But if she hadn't said much the first time, it's probably because she was worried for her son. That, and she was scared of him. She got scared when he was angry, being a sensitive lady herself. I knew this because I'd witnessed it before. He was scary when he was angry.

I can imagine what he'd said prior to leaving this time, too, if he was angry; I'm going out. I'll be back when I've cooled down, don't bother looking for me and don't tell anyone where I am. Because his anger issues had settled a little, he would've said it more gently. Probably. However, I had no idea what he was angry about. But I guess we'd find out soon.

(HyoJin's P.O.V)

I started thinking about Thursday, as me and the boys got closer to our destination. I didn't think the argument was huge at all; in fact, I had texted him later that night, maybe around seven, and said "hey" simple. I know. But I reached out and got nothing back.

I'd seen Myungsoo for the last time after school, we went to an arcade after eating lunch at a cat cafe. We had fun, we laughed, we hugged, he left. That's all, and that's all that would ever happen. I thought Jimin trusted me, but I guess I was wrong.

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