Chapter 23

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(Taehyung's P.O.V)

I sat with my legs hanging off the end of my bed, unable to sleep. HyoJin had been gone since last night, and even as the sun started to creep up and seep through the curtains, I didn't feel an ounce tired. I bet Jimin felt the same. I bet he was worse, actually.

Though mentally I felt awake, my heavy eyebags told me different as I shuffled to my bedroom door and headed out.

When I got to the living room the TV was already on and my mother was lounging on the couch accompanied by a coffee in her hand, and SeRyn on her lap.

She turned around and looked at me and her expression fell. "Taehyung, have you even slept?"

I shook my head and closed my eyes momentarily.

"Still no sign I assume.. come sit down, you look terrible." she remarked, motioning me to the couch.

"Thanks." I replied after rolling my eyes, reverting my attention to the news that had started on TV. She was actually worried too, she liked HyoJin.

"Morning oppa!" SeRyn smiled tiredly at me, though concern was evident beneath it. I smiled back weakly, "morning."

It was some time around seven or seven-thirty in the morning, I can't remember what time the news actually started.

The top news began to be listed off, starting with a freak high way accident between a truck and a taxi. The pictures were dire and the taxi was almost unrecognizable.

"Three casualties," I noted, "and only one made it out alive.. what are the chances."

The news anchor continued to speak about it, and although it was interesting, my brain craved stimulation so I jumped off the couch and headed to the kitchen to make a coffee.

I could still hear the news playing as I made my way over to the kitchen, as the anchor began to rattle of the names of the casualties.

"Kim Jungmin - a taxi driver, passed away at the scene,"

I grabbed a mug from the cupboard lazily.

"Yoon Hwajung - a truck driver, also passed away at the scene,"

I poured the remaining contents from the coffee plunger into the mug.

"And the only on scene survivor, who was earlier rushed to Seoul Central Hospital, Lee HyoJin - a high school student."

I dropped the mug instantaneously and it hit the ground with a smash, shattering into pieces. The hot coffee pooled across the lino of the kitchen, and my mother and SeRyn were gazing over towards me with alarm. My eyes darted to the TV screen, my mouth agape.  

"D-Did they just say Lee HyoJin?" I mumbled, unable to fathom the situation.

"Taehyung, just.. just calm down-"

I shook my head, then hastened to the front door after grabbing my car keys off the bench and then pulled on my low top vans.

"Taehyung!" my mother called after me, but I'd already slammed the front door shut and was sprinting to my car.


(Jimin's P.O.V)

It was some time in the hour of seven in the morning when I finally woke up after taking maybe too many sleeping pills the night before. I groaned at the sound of loud banging on my door, and covered my head with a pillow. But the banging progressed, and I could hear the muffled and panicked voice of Taehyung.

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