Chapter 5

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(HyoJin's P.O.V)

"Jimin?" I called from the cold door way where I was standing, looking into complete darkness. 

"Baby, I'm over here.." He cooed from somewhere inside the dark room.

"I can't see anything.." I trailed off, as I stepped inside the room, the door slamming itself behind me. 

"Right here." He whispered into my ear, his arms now wrapped around my waist. 

"I love you HyoJin.." He whispered again, as he buried his face in my neck.

"Jimin, I-" I paused as suddenly the feeling of him wrapped around me disappeared. "Jimin?" I whispered. No response. "Jimin?" I called out, this time a bit louder. But my voice was now only coming out in shouted whispers, as I pleaded for him to come back. "Jimin!" I tried to exclaim, but my throat just wouldn't let me.. 

"Baby.." He said in a husky voice, "come find me.."

His voice was cut off by the alarming sound of the bell, waking me up from my vivid dream. I opened my eyes slowly and lifted my head off my desk in history class, and looked around as I noticed people staring at me strangely. People started to pile out of class, still giving me the same strange look as they walked past. I packed up my books and shook my head, wondering how I could've fallen asleep in class. Oh yeah that's right - I got hit in the face with a ball today. No wonder I fell asleep in class and have this sudden pounding headache. 

As I went to walk out the door, the teacher called my name. 

"Uh, yes?" I asked.

She folded her arms. "Please try not to fall asleep in class again.. and also on that note.. try as best you can not to speak other students names in your dream.." She rasied her eyebrows.

I widened my eyes. "Oh, I- sorry.. who's name did I say?" I asked, hoping badly I didn't say Jimin. Oh god, please don't say Jimin.

"You said 'Jimin' repeatedly." she replied shaking her head.

"Oh, uh I-I.. I'm sorry.. again.. really.. I won't fall asleep in class anymore.." I apologized as I rushed out of class, feeling embarrassed. How could I do that? Oh my god, I really hope no one will tell Jimin or his friends. I would genuinely shrivel up and die of embarrassment. What am I thinking, of course someone will tell them.. At least only one more class and I'm done for the day..

I stood outside the doorway of history class, leaning on the wall trying to calm my embarrassment down within the five minute break I had before science. I went and got a drink, and took a deep breath as I tried to find my way to science class. It didn't take long, thankfully, because it was in a block I'd already walked through today. I entered class early, seeing other people had too and I took an empty seat as the bell rang. 

"Okay class," The teacher began once everyone had sat down, "today we're doing salt crystals. Now I want to have you all in pairs of two, BUT with someone you've never been paired with."

I glanced around the room, as several people seemed to flock to this one tall guy with black hair in the class. 

"I'll be choosing the pairs." The teacher stated, as everyone groaned. At least I wouldn't have to find myself a partner.

"Okay, hmm.." He trailed off as he looked around the room, "Kim Namjoon." He said, and the tall boy with the black hair looked up from his conversation.

"Yes, sir?" He asked.

"You'll be paired with.. oh, Lee HyoJin." The teacher, Mr. Nam smiled as he looked at me. 

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