5: Simone

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Reed, Reed, Reed...

His name continues to replay in my head as I pace my room while Jerom watches me.

Mate. Mate. Mate...

I never thought I'd feel something so powerful as the mate bond before. It was unlike anything I've ever known.

He'll come back. He'll come back. He'll come back...

That smile – that gentle warm smile – just for me and not those idiotic sluts we call she-wolves. He didn't reject me. He didn't look disgusted with me, but he seemed delighted if not a bit surprised by me. I wanted to be near him again, I wanted to see him hold his hand out to me again in an offer to go with him and be his mate. I needed to be in his arms.

I snapped my eyes to the door when I heard a knock and I almost growled when Alpha Roniston came in with an almost triumphant look. "He's gone."

My heart fell. "What!" I gasped, falling to my knees in despair. "He can't be! He said he'd fight for me! He said he'd talk to you!"

Roniston shrugged. "Once you were inside, he said what he told you was only to shut you up, that he couldn't waste time with something he couldn't have. He's a smart man."

I shook my head, but his eyes held honesty in them. "He left me! My mate left me."

"I'm sorry, Simone, but it's for the best." The alpha gave my pitiful eyes before walking out of my room.

"Simone?" Jerom whispered.

"I'm sorry, Jer, but can you let me be for a while? I need space and I can't handle anymore interactions right now," I say softly, defeated.

He hesitated but then nodded. "I'll be in the kitchen if you need anything."

I nod my head as he walks out. Once his footsteps have faded, I lock the door and start sobbing, pounding my fists on the wood in a way to take out my anger. The hollowness builds up once more and I feel myself go on all fours, whining and crying on the floor.

I don't know how long I lay there, huddled in a ball. I must've fallen asleep a few times because it seems like only minutes pass by and it's dark outside. I steady myself and stand up, going to my bed and getting my journal. No matter how insane I might get, I will write what I want.

Day 2,739

Alpha Reed.

I finally find my mate – or he finds me – only to have him leave me again. I don't know his true reasonings, but he obviously doesn't want me. I would have accepted the role of Luna if he had given me the chance. I would've been strong and loyal if he had taken me with him. I would have made him proud to call me his mate if only he had given me more time.

Mother was right. Mates only bring pain and suffering. I shouldn't have been so forward and trusting.

Alpha Roniston was right for keeping me in my room while Reed was here.

Alpha Reed was someone I thought I could be myself with. I thought he'd have become good friends with Jerom since I could tell he had a sense of humor. He was a handsome man – arrogant like most Alphas – but I felt safe with him.

For once in my life, I wanted a mate. For once in my life, I thought someone cared. I thought I'd be free of all this protection bullshit. Who'd be after me anyways? No one even knows me! No one knows I exist outside this pack except Reed. I'm not a memorable person, let alone wolf. What's worse? Whoever is after me – if that's true – wants me dead. If I go with Alpha Reed, then I'd put him in danger.

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