11: Simone

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Once the pizza arrived, Reed and I went into the living room and watched a movie, sitting on the same couch and eating our meal. Sometimes, he'd give me a bite of his slice, smiling as the cheese would continue to stretch for a moment or two, then break and hang off my chin. He didn't seem to mind manners at all which made me grateful because at the time, all I cared about was having food.

I continued to glance at him when he watched the movie, studying his profile and putting it to memory. It was weird being happy and free when so much of my life was spent being afraid and depressed. I was hesitant when Reed told me to be myself last night but came to find out that he smiled more often when I did, laughed even. He was happier because I was doing what I wanted, which wasn't what I expected, but I was surprised, nonetheless.

A knock on the door made Reed pause the movie and get up. I pulled my feet up under me and breathed in, finding it peaceful. When he returned, he had a grin on his face. "Why are you smiling like that?" I asked suspiciously.

"Why wouldn't I?" he says, sitting beside me.

"What's going on?"

He thinks for a moment, shrugs, stands, and holds out a hand. "I'll show you."

I raise a brow which makes him chuckle. "Do I want to see?"

"It's nothing bad, I promise!" Hesitantly, I take his hand and let him pull me up the stairs and towards – what I found out this morning – his bedroom. He opens the door, then goes to his closet and opens that. I gasp. "Just let me know if you want anything else," he says with a smile.

Clothes upon clothes upon clothes that had to me mine were on one side of the closet, leaving no room for more. Dresses, shirts, skirts, pants, shoes.... everything I needed was there, even undergarments.

"Take a look, I'll clean up downstairs," Reed whispers. I nod, smiling. When I know he's gone, I squeal like a five-year-old and jump in, loving all the clothes and even the accessories I hadn't noticed before. Taking out a navy-blue blouse and a pair of jeans, I scrambled to the bathroom to try them on.

They fit perfectly! I went back to the closet and found a beautiful moon necklace and a pair of black flats. I saw drawers and squealed some more. There were bras, underwear, and makeup. Though I don't do makeup like other girls, I still put on some to help with appearance. When I was finished with my look, I ran downstairs and looked for Reed.

I found him in a room I've never seen before, looking like a library of sorts talking with someone on the phone. The door had been open, so I didn't think I was trespassing or interrupting, but then Thrain appeared and blocked my way in. "He'll be done in a minute, Luna. Why don't you go wait in the living room?"

Deflated, I shuffled back to one of the couches and sat down, seeing the movie was still paused and ready to go. I wasn't sure why I was down suddenly. Maybe because I thought things had changed, but Reed was still an alpha, still had responsibilities that protected the pack. He didn't always have time for me like I really wanted. I couldn't change his rank in the pack, nor did I want to because it made him the one person who could protect me if I needed it, but I wished that he weren't the Alpha so then I could get more time with him. I wanted to believe that this was real...

"Simone?" I heard behind me. My heart sped up and I looked to see him walking up. "You okay?"

"I'm fine," I lied and stood up hesitantly.

He paused a few feet away and stared at me. "You're not fine. Something is wrong."

I didn't meet his eyes. "I'm just a little distracted."

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