26: Reed

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Thrain, Corey, Jena and I were waiting near the hospital when the alpha and Luna arrived with two others. They introduced themselves as Nadine and Bertolf, the latter being more intrigued by this event than most of the others for some reason. We shifted in an ally and ran towards the factory district on the far side of town, Jena leading the way with Corey on her tail. I kept a few paces behind them, keeping clear sight of what's ahead and doing the best I can to not snap at Jena's heels to go faster.

We were there when I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and fell onto the street. Corey growled at Jena then came back and whined softly. I tried getting up, but it was too much. Something was wrong...something was breaking inside.

Reed! What's going on? Corey hissed through the link.

I don't know...I have a crippling feeling like I might break apart though.

He stared at me, but I finally lifted to my feet and stood, panting from that alone. We need to go! It's just up ahead! Jena said.

I nod in agreement and quickly walk, wanting nothing more than to curl up and die...


I stop and shake myself. Since when do I have thoughts like that? Something bad was going on with my head, and I didn't need it happening right now.

I won't hold out much longer...I will break under all the pressure...

I growl and put on a burst of speed, going past Jena and straight to the warehouse. I cannot break! I will not break! I will survive!

I slam through the doors and attack the first moving thing I see. Corey bursts past me along with Opaline and her mate and pack. Growls could be heard echoing off the walls and items large enough to crush me slammed hard to the ground, making everything shake.

Looking around, I saw Roniston's pack here as well as a few rogues. I saw Melanie in battle with a small Himalayan wolf I recognize as Opaline. I saw Corey in battle with York's white wolf, the others getting the extras. Circling around, I searched for one person only. Keeping low, I go around to the back and take in the room, but don't see anyone.

It's no use to fight anymore...

I blinked and sat down on my haunches. What is going on?

Not sure here...not here...not here...

I turn and go down a flight of stairs, smelling foulness all around, but the freshest scent I have is blood. Flicking my eyes around in the darkness, I see a form huddled in a cell, a tiny ball that shook and gave out little noises. Getting closer, I try to put my nose through the bars, but end up touching them and yelping. Jerking back, I batted my nose with my paws and growl only to see a pair of eyes on me.

"Reed?" a soft voice said. My ears flick up and I bark once. The little form uncurls and crawls closer, hair about her shoulders. "Over there..." she whispers, pointing to the opposite wall. I go over and see keys and gloves.

I shift and grab them, unlock her cell, and wrench the door open. "Simone!" I hiss and kneel beside her.

Her body collapsed into me, weak and pale. There was blood on her wrists, neck, and limbs. Her hair was matted, and her cheeks hallow. "Help!" she whimpered, before she fainted.

"Simone!" I cried and lifted her into my arms. "Simone, wake up!"

"Reed!" I heard Corey's voice from upstairs. "Reed we need to leave!"

I stand and run up the stairs, sliding through the doors and looking around. I almost fall to my knees at the shudder that goes through the building. "Fuck!" I growl, seeing the exit yards away. It looked like Corey was almost there, catching up to everyone else who were waiting, but I knew I didn't have much of a chance, especially with Simone in my arms.

Bloodline and Kin (Gifted Werewolf Series: Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now