12: Reed

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I wasn't mad at Simone, but at the way I always made her feel whenever I was around. It was like she couldn't forget her past, and always assumed that she isn't as important as I say she is to me. I do help the pack when they need it, I just don't hover over them like a mother hen. It wasn't my way and they knew it. They accepted it. They respected my wishes and did their thing, only calling upon me for emergencies or celebrations.

I ran until I could run no more, lasting hours in the forest to think, even though I wanted to go back and explain to my mate of why I was spending every minute of every day with her. Couldn't she see I was trying to be the opposite of her mother's stories? Couldn't she see I wanted to love her like a mate should? Didn't she know I cared? I thought that after last night and this afternoon, she'd have understood by now...

It was late into the night when I decided to head home. I was hoping she'd be asleep by now so that I didn't have to see her fear or confusion. When I reached the front door, I opened it and paused. The tv was still on, paused in the same spot it was when I left. The lights in the kitchen were on and the house felt empty. Worried, I ran upstairs to the bedroom only to see the bed empty. "No!" I hiss.

Turning, I went to all the other bedrooms to find nothing. She wasn't in my office either. Raking my hair with my fingers, I spun in circles in the hallway, panicking that she left. Thrain! Corey! I yelled through the link.

What's going on? Thrain asked.

Please tell me one of you know where Simone is at!

I haven't seen her, Corey announced.

I didn't see her come out of the house, nor did I hear any signs of a struggle, Thrain informed.

Shaking my head, I ran downstairs to see if she was hiding in the changing room, but nothing. No clothes there to tell me she had shifted, and I didn't find her anywhere else. Not even the bathroom. I can't find her! If I can't find her, something is seriously wrong!

Let me go check her old pack, Corey offered.

I'll check around the territory, Thrain said. I sat on a couch and put my head in my hands, ripping at my hair as if that was going to help me find her.

It was hours later, dawn, before either of my friends spoke. Nothing, not even her scent. No one suspicious has entered the territory either.

I snuck into the pack house without Roniston knowing and up to her room, but she wasn't there or anywhere near. No scent. Nothing.

Tears built in my eyes and I tried to get a hold of myself, only to throw a lamp at the wall. Running upstairs, I slam my fists into the wall, plaster raining down on me. A small sound caught my ears and I looked up. Above me, something moved. I furrowed my brows and looked at the ceiling, not understanding why I should be hearing anything from up there.

I heard a gasp then caught sight of the hidden door. I yank it open, climb up the ladder and sigh in relief. "Simone, come here."

She pressed up against the wall, shaking her head, tears in her eyes.

"Come here. I am not going to hurt you," I say gently, but her eyes widen, and her body starts to tremble. Slowly getting up and into the space, I crawled towards her. "Simone?"

I reach for her foot, but she screamed. I jerk back, shocked. She had never screamed before. Just as quickly as it came though, it stopped and she curled into a ball, shaking violently. I just barely heard her whimper, "Not again!"

Bring the pack doctor to the house, I order Corey. Tell him to bring something to calm Simone down.

What's going on?

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