15: Simone

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"What kind of ice cream do you like?" Reed asked as we waited in line to order. The little shop was white and pink, little tables and chairs spread out across the floor and a large menu above the counter giving the assorted flavors of ice cream.

I looked them over, fascinated by all the combinations and variety. "How many scoops can I have?" I asked him.

He squinted at the menu and said, "Three max."

I pouted then chose. "Reece's, cookie dough, and...Oreo."

He smiled down at me. "Good choices!" We got up to the counter and he gave the order. The small woman nodded and smiled, scooping one after another before adding it up. Reed paid and handed me the bowl, then led me over to a table. We sat down and I took my first taste of ice cream in a long time. "You look like a kid in a candy store," Reed chuckled.

I smiled and shrugged. "I don't get ice cream very often. It's something that wasn't bought for the pack."

"And you didn't go out like the others, either." I shook my head and pushed a bite of Oreo towards him. He took it and smiled. "What did you do for your birthdays?" he asked.

"Jerom would do something for me. Depending on either his wants or my needs, we'd either throw a party in my bedroom with a stash of snacks and soda, or he'd give me a gift of something small but special."

"What about your mother?"

I hesitate but shrug again. "She was never around, always busy and told me we had to be careful."

"Careful? Of what?"

"I don't know. She never specified. I assumed it was money, but Roniston seems to have had a lot stashed for us in his office."

"Was that your own money or money he was giving you?"

"I don't know."

I give him another bite of ice cream. Reed seemed to daze off for a moment before saying, "When is your birthday?"

"A few weeks."

"Really?" I nod. He puts his chin in the palm of his hand and smiles at me. "What do you want?"

"Nothing," I say honestly.


I look into his eyes and say, "I can't have what I want. There is no way to give me what I want when it's been taken away." I pause, seeing his furrowed brows and saddened face. "But, I don't anything physical either. What I have wanted all my life is something I have now."

"What's that?"

"A family," I whisper. He blinks and straightens. I feel tears but blink them away. "I have a mate who Jerom spoke of. I have my dreams of being free come true. I am genuinely happy, even if I don't show it."

Reed stared at me, then moved closer and pulled me into an embrace. I wrapped my arms around his neck and breathed him in, glad to be here with him. "I'm happy to help, Beautiful."

Resting my head on his shoulder, I grab the spoon with a blob of ice cream and hold it up to him. He takes the spoon from my hand and lowers it to my mouth. Smiling, I open my mouth and let him put it in.

By the time we're finished at the ice cream shop, it is sun set and I feel like Reed has given me the best day of my life. I am walking hand in hand with him towards his car, talking casually and feeling at ease when a woman comes up to me with a note. I hesitate, but she insists, shoving it harshly into my hands and walking away. Reed wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me close as I stare at the cream-colored envelope.

Bloodline and Kin (Gifted Werewolf Series: Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now