33: Simone

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I told Reed what had happened in the warehouse and everything from then until the present time. He listened attentively, eyes fixed on me carefully and watching my every nervous movement. I was expecting him to interrupt like he did before the attack yesterday, but nothing escaped from his lips. I spoke steadily, keeping my words soft and concise.

When I was finished, his gray wolf stood and approached a step. I put my ears back and lowered my head, but he wagged his tail and gave a soft yip. Lying on my stomach, I tilted my head to one side and let him come forward until he was hovering right over me. He lied down, his head going around the back of my neck in comfort and security.

I do love you, Beautiful. There isn't another female in the world that I'd rather have. There is no other being who could make me happy as you can.

I whined softly and rubbed my head along his side. I love you too, Reed. I'm sorry about doubting you.

It's fine, he whispered in my head. He licked the back of one of my ears and lifted his head, looking at me. I lifted my own head and tilted it to the side. He licked my nose then my cheek, a way of giving me a kiss before putting his nose against mine, locking his gaze with mine. Vuk was right, I didn't mate with you for reasons pertaining to your accident and your past. I haven't made you Luna so that you could adapt and settle, hoping you could fit in before making you a leader.

And the mark?

He snorted in amusement. Your mother is very rusty on her facts, Beautiful. When a mate gives his or her partner their mark, it's their way of not only putting their brand on who is theirs, but also showing them their love. A mark is the first step in showing love. I waited to know for certain if you'd have me, and it was that time when I marked you, that I knew you were perfect for me. I loved you from the moment I saw you burst through Roniston's pack house door and started snarling at everyone. I just waited for you to see it, and I thought you had in some ways.

I had kind of, but then she came and...

With the mark, you can know how I feel about you. I left myself open for you all this time, wondering what you heard that made you anxious around me. I never found the answer and it tore me apart.

I'm sorry. I didn't want to invade where I may not have been wanted.

I wanted you to invade when you wanted to. If it meant you'd see how much I thought you were special, of course I'd want you to see and hear that. He pulled back a little and put his paw on mine. I'm not letting you go, ever. I gave you the will to choose where you go and what you do in my territory, who to talk to, when to go somewhere. I gave it to you because it gave you hope and made you see me in a different light. After I let you run the first time, you had begun to trust me instantly.

Until Jena, I say irritably.

Reed barks out a laugh and shook his head. Yes, until Jena. She is one to certainly put a pause on stuff. But she shouldn't be doing any of that from now on.


He gives me a knowing look. I don't allow anyone – Luna or not – to be degraded by another. And when my mate is threatened to the point of running away, it makes things worse for the victim. She is only saved because Corey is my best friend and I don't want to hurt him.

You'd have killed her?

No, but I would have made her a rogue and an exile from this pack, weakening Corey who is one of my best men. Saving you from York and your mother a couple of weeks ago helped her situation. Since then though, I have not seen her. I assume she's staying away, but she's at least behaving.

I nuzzle him under his chin and lick his paw. Can we go home now?

Yes. Reed and I stand up, then race home, happily taking comfort in each other's presence. I began to fall into place beside him, feeling as if I belonged instead of a nuisance. I didn't falter and did not hesitate as I brushed my fur against his, nipped at his heels playfully, tackle him to the ground only to be underneath him. Reed was also different. He wasn't as hesitant to get near me as when we first met. He seemed more in-tuned to me as I was to him. His thoughts were open and free, always seeming to be on me. I stopped listening to his thoughts once after hearing some indescribable depictions and growled, shoving him away before running off.

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