17: Simone

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My pelvic region hurts, and it takes everything in me not to scream when I wake up in Reed's office on the couch. I couldn't sit without it hurting, couldn't stand or walk. I felt weak and had to crawl into a corner to hide when I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I heard Reed's growl and Jena's name and knew something was wrong. A moment later, someone slammed the door to the house, and I heard the office unlock.

The door opened, then closed. I hugged my knees to my chest and waited for the bleach-blonde hair, cruel electric blue eyes, and large hands to appear. But instead, it was my mate with something in his hand that was steaming. He caught sight of me and set the item down on his desk then came over slowly. I looked up at him, feeling relief flood my senses.

"Simone," he whispered, kneeling in front of me. "Can you come here, please?"

"I-It hurts," I whimpered.

He gives me a sad smile and crawls over so we're touching. "How did you get over here?"


He nods and brushes my hair behind my ear. "Do you want something to drink?" I nod. Reed smiles and grabs the steaming mug, then hands it to me. "Be careful."

I take a small sip and let the sweet hot liquid run down my aching throat. I drink a little more than hand it back to him. He sets it down and stares at me, silent questions in his green eyes. I hesitate, but say, "He was really rough. I tried screaming, but he hit me and put a gag in. I even tried to run towards the window, but—" My throat constricted at the memory.

"I'm sorry. I was at the pack house. Both Corey and Thrain were already there, so we met there. I'm sorry I was too late," he whispered.

I knew he had a reason he wasn't in the house, so I didn't blame him for not coming. But this incident gave me the courage to ask, "Can you mark me?"

Surprised, he came closer and cupped my face. "I can, but not right now. I want to do it when you're not hiding in a corner or just coming out of something terrible. If you're better, we'll do it tonight, okay?"

I wrap my arms around him and press my face into his neck, taking in his scent and finding peace in his embrace.
"I hurt so much, Reed."

"Do you want me to call the doctor to come look at you?" he asks.

I shake my head, not wanting to see another male. "Please don't."

Sighing, Reed pulls me closer and I wince but settle between his legs and relax against him. "Simone, did he release inside of you?" he asks with an undertone of something bitter.

I stiffen and tighten my grip around him. "I-I...I—"

"I ask out of need for information, not to have any reason for anything else except put him in his place. You just need to say yes or no," he says softly.

I pull away, moving back to the corner and protecting my body with my legs. My eyes find his face and I see his eyes are dark and stormy. "H-he didn't let me g-go. I c-couldn't m-move. I-it hurt, and I-I was made t-to endure it."

Those green eyes softened, and he reached for me, but I flinched. "Simone, it's okay."

I shake my head. "I-I am n-not deserving of y-you. I-I am d-disloyal."

His eyes widen and now he's shaking his head. "Simone, it wasn't your fault. You're not the one to blame." I started to tremble, and Reed looks like he's about to panic, but he comes up and cups my face with both hands. "You're a victim, Simone. You're not the criminal. You're not disloyal. You're deserving of everything good and beautiful offered to you."

"B-but look at m-me! I'm r-ruined!"

"You're not ruined," Reed hissed, kissing my head. "You're beautiful, sweet, and strong. You're everything I want in a mate." I blink and relax again, feeling his sincerity and honesty. He says, "You're mine, Simone. You're my Luna and mate. You were made only for me and I will not let some asshole ruin that. Don't think about what others say and do, just think about me. I'm the only who should matter to you anymore. Just remember that."

I sniff and sit up, understanding he was right and wanting nothing more than to learn from him. "Because we're mates," I say.

Reed smiles. "Because we're mates."

Forgetting about my current problem, a thought comes to mind. "Why is Jena here? Why isn't she with Alpha Roniston?"

"Because she has a mate here as well."


"Corey," Reed says as I sip on the hot chocolate again. "But, due to recent events, Corey is making her earn his trust."

"Why was she here earlier?"

"You heard?" I nod and he says, "She wanted to talk to you, but I told her to leave. She got pissed off with me and went storming off."

This makes me smirk. I've always known Jena to get what she wants: males, awards, friends, appreciation... She's always been able to manipulate people, so hearing Reed is unaffected makes me happy. "Did she say what she wanted to talk about?"

Reed raises a brow. "I assume nothing good from the look in her eye." I smile and hand him the empty cup. He puts it on the desk, and I let him lift me into his arms. "Let's go find something to eat then we'll relax today."

I rest my head on his shoulder as he carries me down the stairs and into the kitchen. He's setting me down on the counter when we hear a knock, then someone enter the house. Reed stands in front of me as Thrain walks in and glances at me before looking at the Alpha. "We need to talk."

"About what?"

Thrain leans on the threshold while Reed starts making a sandwich and I sit stiff watching the two men. "Your mail."

My mate pauses and looks at his friend who gives him a knowing look. "Any one piece in particular?"

"How about the one concerning a Luna who is asking for a favor?"

"Wait," Reed says and hands me the sandwich. "Why would a Luna ask me for a favor?"

"She didn't specify. She has only said that you might be able to help."

"Where is she from?"


My mate thinks for a minute then turns to me. "Do you want to watch tv or should I have someone come keep you company?"

I bite my lip. "Do you have to be private?"

"I'm afraid so, Beautiful. If it's nothing too serious, I'll let you know what is going on, but I don't want you to hear anything big right now."

I scowl but point to the living room. "I'll watch tv then." Reed stares at me for a minute, sensing my irritation, but picks me up and carries me to the couch.

"I'll be right upstairs, okay?" he whispers.

"I don't want to be alone."

"I will be able to hear if something goes wrong. Just stay on the couch and I'll be down in a few to sit with you."

I lock my eyes with his and let him see just how terrified I was. "Please hurry?"

"I'll be as fast as possible, okay?" I nod and he kisses me, then leads Thrain upstairs. I hear the office door shut and put my head back on the armrest, exhausted and yet unable to sleep with the tension my body has without my mate here.

Bloodline and Kin (Gifted Werewolf Series: Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now