35: Simone

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The party went on and I had a wonderful time. Reed occasionally left me to talk to other people but mostly stayed by my side. We had a large chocolate cake with Reece's cups mixed in with the decorations, and other candies mixing in with that. I ate that as well as some other food they had set out, helping myself to whatever I wanted.

I was alone near the drinks when Jena came up and smiled at me. "Hello, Luna."

"Hi, Jena. Enjoying the party?"

She nods and looks around. "I must admit, it's much better than any party Roniston threw."

I giggle. "He didn't throw parties, unless it was at a bar!"

"You have a great point!" she said and then went solemn. "May I talk to you? Alone?"

"Sure," I say and follow her to the tree line.

She turns to me and I see tears in her eyes. "Simone, I'm really sorry for being such a bitch to you all these years! I thought I was doing the right thing because that was what Roniston was doing along with York. I didn't know anything about your mom, I swear!"

"It's fine. I forgive you." I take her shoulders and look into her eyes. "Jena! You have been redeemed. Saving mine and then Reed's life gave me the will to try and trust you. You're going to be fine. Corey is a great guy too."

She nodded and I embraced her. "Thank you, so much!"

"It's not a big deal," I say softly. I look up and freeze, heart thudding hard in my chest.

"Simone?" Jena said, noticing the change in my body.

I step back and breath heavily. Jena turns and widens her eyes. "Hello, Luna. Hello, Jena my little ally!" Roniston sneered.

Jena turned to me. "No! It isn't true! I didn't!"

"Don't lie to your Luna, Jena. It could be disloyalty."

"Simone, please! I didn't do anything. I didn't help him with anything!"

I closed my eyes for a second and took a deep breath. I felt Jena's fear and her honesty. I felt her panic and the need to protect her Luna. I also felt guilt for her past doings. Roniston chuckled. "Jena, you never were good at playing the victim!"

I open my eyes and see Jena's back to me, her arms out wide to protect me, her eyes angry as they lock onto Roniston. "I won't let you hurt her!"

"Come now, Jena! You don't really want to be on her side, do you? You hate Simone, remember?"

"Shut up!" Jena screamed. Because of the music and fires, no one could hear us.

I used my mind and spoke to Jena. Go find Reed!

No! He'll kill you!

Jena, as your Luna—

And as your pack member, I won't leave to save my own skin while yours gets ripped to shred!

I stare at the back of her head and sighed. "Jena, move!"

"Yes, Jena, move so I can get rid of this girl who has made you soft!" Roniston mocked.

Jena did move, but not how I wanted. She shifted into a white wolf and lunged at Roniston, trying to sink her teeth into his throat, but he threw her off him and into a tree. She yelped and lay still. I grew angry and instinct took over. "No one hurts my pack!" I growled.

The man laughs. "This is no more your pack as it is mine. Give up, Simone. You're not needed or wanted in this world!" With that, he runs at me. At last second, I duck and spin away, running over to Jena. She is still breathing, but unconscious.

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