29: Simone

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I was in the warehouse, pinned against the metal wall by York. My mother stands behind him with a satisfied smirk on her face. York's hand traps mine above my head while the other one holds my hips. "NO! Don't hurt me! Please!"

My mother smiles and shakes her head. "It's for your own good, Darling."

York chuckles as he rams his hips into me and hisses in my ear, "Hold still, and this will be over nice and quick." His hand goes around my gown and between my legs, his fingers ramming into my core.

"It hurts! Let me go! Please, stop!" I cry and thrash about. I end up kneeing him and York moves away, holding himself. I begin to run, but my hair is caught, and I'm yanked back. "NO! REED!"

York throws me to the ground hard, growling viciously. "I'm going to enjoy breaking that bond with that mutt! If only to see you waiting for me every day!" He straddles me, pinning my arms to my sides and jerks my head to the side so he has full access to Reed's mark.

"Don't break it! Please! Reed's my mate! I swear! He's mine! Don't take that away from me! Don't break it!" I scream.

My mother kneels beside me and clicks her tongue, shaking her head. "Reed was never yours, Darling, to begin with. You will feel a lot better when this is finished, I promise."

"I'll do anything...just don't break the bond."

York pulls away, staring at me with hate filled eyes. "Anything, huh?" I nod weakly. He snorts and crosses his arms, letting my mother decide.

"Tell me why we shouldn't break the bond, Simone. One logical explanation for your defiance."

I cried, shutting my eyes and remembered the time Reed spent with me, his laugh, his smiles, his gentle eyes, and hands that always knew something was wrong and exactly how to help, his words that were soft and reassuring as well as carefree. I saw his body wrapped protectively around mine whenever I was scared or in danger. I remember the night I ran away after Jena's comments and how he calmed me down and stayed beside me the rest of the night.

I finally whimper the three words I want to say to anyone else but these two. "I love him."

Both laugh at my statement and my mother brushes the hair out of my eyes. "You are going to have this mark removed and replace with York's. It'll help you see the bigger picture in the one you are currently blindly staring at."

"No!" I cry. "It's true! I won't be with York! I can't! Reed is the only one I want! He's my mate!"

York sits me up, so he has a better hold and bites into my neck harshly. My mother whispers, "Don't worry, Darling. This will be over soon enough!"


"No! No, no, no, no!"

"Simone! Wake up!"

"Reed! Please, don't do this! REED!"


My eyes snap open and I can't breathe. My hand flies to my neck and I shake my head, "No! Oh, Goddess! Please don't let it be true! No!"

"Simone, look at me," I hear distantly but can only think that York succeeded...that he bit me, and I don't have a bond with Reed anymore.

"Shit! This can't be happening!" I cry.

Hands grab my face and makes me look up into a pair of green eyes. "Look at me, Simone!"

I blink and reality finally hits me. I was dreaming... again...and it was worse than ever if I did not wake up sane. "What's going on?" I shakily ask.

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