27: Simone

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My first thought when I woke up for the first time after that night in the warehouse was that I was back at Roniston's pack house and I needed a new bed. My second thought was I was in a lot of pain and was going to kick Jerom's ass for beating me up so much when it was just a playful little spar. Lastly, I thought that I was getting too lazy for my own good and that made my body age faster.

When I finally opened my eyes, I saw a chest and blinked. My head cleared and I looked over my shoulder to see a hospital room and arms holding me close to the body in front of me. My belly did a backflip and I quickly glanced up at the face that owned this body. My brain processed the face a few seconds later and my lips curled into a small smile.

That's when I noticed the bond between me and Reed strongly glowing between us. No longer dark and empty, no longer fragile and to break at any second, it was stronger than ever before. Reveling in all the bliss, I curled into him and snuggled my face into his chest, relief cutting through the fears and worries.

The second time I woke, I saw Corey and Thrain talking in a far corner with coffee in their hands. Neither noticed me so I went back to sleep.

I woke a few more times for no longer than a few seconds until some time had passed and I just couldn't sleep anymore. I opened my eyes and caught green ones looking back. I blinked and they were still there. My breath caught and I couldn't look away, they were so intense.

I jumped when Reed moved his arm but relaxed again when he put it on my cheek and brushed away my hair. "My mate," he whispered. I was speechless, unable to believe my eyes even though he was right in front of me. "I'm here, Beautiful. This is real."

My eyes blinked and continued to stare at him. Finally, my mouth opened and said, "What happened?"

"I'm not going to talk about it right now," he said, and anger flashed in his eyes. "I just want to focus on you."

Feeling small, I lowered my gaze and mumbled, "I'm sorry for running away."

"I thought I told you never to run from me again?"

"You did, but I panicked, and my wolf took over. She was out of control."

"It doesn't matter right now," he sighs and makes me look up at him. "Are you okay?"

"Sore," I state truthfully. "And grateful you came."

"I will always come for you," he whispers. "I will always find you and bring you home."

"We're home?"

"No," he says and flops his head back on the pillow. "In the city at the hospital. I haven't been home for nearly a week."

Guilt rides in my throat. "You didn't have to stay here. I didn't want to keep you from the pack."

"You know what my answer will be, so instead of telling me what I what I could have done, just shut up and rest," he says harshly.

Hurt floods my heart and I stop myself from doing anything. Putting my head on the pillow, I curl up and close my eyes. Tears stream down my face and I wipe them away before turning over, so I didn't have to look at him. I feel the bed shift then his arms pull me closer to him. I stiffen and flinch.


"What?" I say softly.

Reed turns me over quickly and his eyes widen. "Simone, why do you look terrified?"


His hand lifts to my face and I flinch away. "Simone, what's wrong?"

"N-nothing," I stutter, trying to move away, but he doesn't let me.

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