10: Reed

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As the little party for Simone ended, she fell asleep against me, holding my hand tightly. I didn't even try to wake her up, knowing how tired she must be. Hearing that his mate was responsible for Simone's runaway, Corey immediately took Jena aside and scolded her for her actions. She had tried denying anything to do with Simone when I found her near a mess of food, but I ignored her and went after my mate.

It was Thrain who found her being attacked by a rogue, and then it was Corey who finally caught her. When Thrain had tried to go sooth her down, she ran again which set my teeth on edge, not understanding why she was running away. But then she came into my arms, shifted, and told me what happened. I knew she was terrified when we found her, but I didn't realize just how much until I felt her trembling body against mine, not to mention her wrist was broken.

Simone sighed in her sleep, giving a soft smile of contentment as Jena came up and bowed her head to me. "I apologize for my actions, Alpha."

"Let me get one thing straight, Jena. You're in my pack now, under my rules. If you want to be a part of it, then you will follow the rules. If you want to live under the rules you've been taught, go back to Alpha Roniston. Under no circumstances will any member of this pack be treated how Simone was treated. If they are, the suspect will be put out as rogue."

Jena flinched but nodded. "I understand, Alpha."

"I hope so," I say and glare at her. "Tomorrow, as punishment for insulting and scaring away my mate and your Luna, you will clean the pack house and help in the hospital." She nods. "Get out of my sight."

Scurrying away, Jena runs into the darkness. Corey walked up with a pained expression. "That was a mild punishment."

"She's new. It was a warning. Next time I won't be so nice," I say.

He nods and looks at Simone. "She looks like she's about to fall over."

I look down at my mate and see her head about to fall forward off my shoulder. "I need to get her in bed," I whisper and carefully try to pull her into my lap.

"I'll make sure everything is cleaned up before morning," he says, and I nod.

"Thank you for your help," I say, and he nods, walking away.

"Where am I going?" Simone asks sleepily, blinking up at me as I lay her in my arms.

"Bed. You were about to do a face plant into the dirt."

She curls up against me, holding my shirt. "My mate cares," she mumbles. I look down to see her back in slumber again. Sighing, I stand and start walking to my house. I remember halfway there that my keys are in my pocket and curse.

Stopping at the door, I lay Simone gently on the ground and go to unlock the door. Turning on the light so I don't run into anything, I turn and pick her up again, walking upstairs to the bedroom. I lay her down on my big bed and pull the covers over her, watching her uncurl and nuzzle the pillow. Smiling, I dress and climb in behind her, pulling her to my chest and closing my eyes.


I jerk awake at the sound of Corey's voice. What happened? What's wrong?

Do you realize what time it is? he snickered.

I look at the clock on the night table and my eyes go wide. I had slept half the day away. Did something happen while I was asleep?

No. I take it you slept well?

Better than I have in a long time.


Bloodline and Kin (Gifted Werewolf Series: Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now