32: Reed

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I wake to a quiet hospital room that was dark and small. Opening my eyes, I'm disoriented and confused. I vaguely remember being wheeled about in a building with bright lights while talking to Simone but have no idea how I ended up here. My wound is sore, but I know its healing and I'm not too worried about it. I find the room empty and sit up slowly, groaning at the stiffness. Grabbing the IV pole, I go into the bathroom and do my thing before walking back to bed and lying down.

I just close my eyes when I hear my room door open and slow my breathing down just a bit to listen and pretend, I'm asleep. "Just be careful of his IV and you'll be fine, Luna," I hear doctor Truent say softly.

The saddest and yet, beautiful voice replies, "Will I hurt him?"

"No. He's going to be fine; I promise."

"Thank you."

"No problem. Have a good night," Truent says and leaves.

I strain my ears a little more and almost stiffen at the feel of Simone's hand on my arm. The bed dips, then she moves my arm and moves closer to me, wrapping the arm around her middle and sighing deeply. I tighten my grip on her slightly, pulling her closer and listen to her as she falls asleep in an instant.

Sitting up, I look down at her to see she's snuggled in a ball, holding my arm in place with a hand. Though she's facing away from me, I can faintly see a small smile on her face, her body is relaxed and for once, she is the one who put herself in my arms. Surprised but delighted at the prospect, I brush my fingers through her hair with my free hand and rest my nose in her neck, loving the sight, scent, and feel of her beside me. "The best mate I could ever have!" I whispered in her ear, though she wouldn't hear me.

Lying back down, I make sure to keep her tight against me, not wanting to lose her somehow, not wanting her to run away from me before I had the chance to kiss her and make her mine. I fall asleep comfortably with my mate.

The next morning, I feel a face snuggle into my chest and a hand grab my shirt. He said he is healed, and the silver isn't going to hurt him! Reed's going to be okay! I hear in Simone's head. This makes me smile as I pull my face down to rest on top of her head. I hear, My mate! My mate! My mate! Hmm, never thought I'd hear myself say that... Wonder how Vuk manages not having a mate? Wonder what Reed's parents were like... Is he the same as his father? Weird...I've never heard him talk about his father, just his mother. I should ask him... Reed is weird, I guess. A large weirdo, but easily a great big teddy bear!

Unable to help myself, I begin to laugh. I feel Simone jump at the suddenness of it and hold her tighter. "Don't worry, Beautiful! It's just me!" I say and open my eyes.

"What are you laughing at?" she asks with narrowed eyes.

"I'm a teddy bear?" I ask with a raised brow.

Her eyes widen. "You can hear my thoughts!"

"When I want to and when you're not blocking me out."

"How?" she asks, sitting up.

I smile. "Close your eyes and just focus on the bond and me, on my mind and entering it to hear the thoughts I have." She does and I begin to think of how beautiful she is, especially when she smiles. I think of her scent and what I want to do when we get home. I think of all the things that make her perfect.

I see her lips curve up faintly before she opens her eyes and stares at me. I didn't know I was that pretty...or that I smelled like that. My eyes do not help my beauty, though! If anything, they take away from it! I can't believe he would think that!

I raise a brow and she blink at me. "You heard that, didn't you?" I nod. Simone sighs and lies back down. "So, how do you mind link with others?"

"You haven't?" She shook her head slowly. I push her hair behind her ear and stare into her eyes. Just push them towards me.

Bloodline and Kin (Gifted Werewolf Series: Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now