28: Reed

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I wasn't sure how to be around Simone at the time. Ever since I scared her, she wanted distance, like she wasn't sure if I was the same person anymore. Her thoughts, whenever turned towards me were always questions and always involved her mother. Her mind was a dark place nowadays, never really seeing the good in things like she used to. She doesn't even go outside to run anymore.

It's been a week since arriving home from the hospital, since she and Vuk met and planned to spend time together, since she's paid more than a few minutes talking to me because of some task she must finish. I was hurt she was keeping away. I was irritated when she would only answer with a frown and one word like, "Okay." She doesn't even glance twice at me.

I sat in the grass gazing at the sky when Corey sat beside me. "Seems like any time something bad happens, you and Simone fall apart. What is going on?"

"She might be able to answer that better than I can," I say.

"Don't put this all on her! You're avoiding her too, why?"

Sighing, I shake my head. "What's the point to try and talk to a person who doesn't want to talk back or walks away from you like you did something wrong? What's the point in apologizing when it doesn't help bring you together?"

"You really need to sort out your issues," he chuckles. "You know she glances at you a lot, right?"

"Yeah right. Corey, whatever is going on with Simone, she doesn't want my help. I asked her the other day and she dismissed me with a shake of the head. I'm tired of trying."

"Are you still going to make her Luna?"

"Does she even want it?" I snort.

"Seems to be considering she's spending time with the pack and even with Jena." He adds, "Have you given up on her?"

"No, I just don't know what to do," I run my hands through my hair and groan. "She's pushing me away and I don't know why!"

"Maybe she's afraid of being hurt..."

"I'm not going to fucking hurt her!" I growl at him. "What part of that does no one understand? Why would I hurt someone I love and care about?"

His brows shoot up. "Love?"

"Yes, Corey! I love her! She's my mate! Why wouldn't I love her? I wouldn't have gone after her if I didn't love her." I sit up and look at him straight in the eyes. "I was going to do it on her birthday. I was going to finish the bond after the Luna Ceremony. She was going to be officially mine and Luna in the same night until that bitch came in and tore her away from me!"

Now Corey looks nervous. "Maybe you should tell her. You don't realize how much Simone needs you right now. You don't hear her screams every night. You don't hear the things she calls out, the claims she makes, the tortures she endured. I don't know how you can't feel it down the bond."

"I told you," I say softly. "She blocks me out."

"You should fight your way in, then. Her problems are not going to get better the longer you're apart." After a minute he sighs. "Come by the pack house tonight. You'll understand when you hear your name and no one else's passing her lips."

With that he leaves. I sit thinking about his words and offer...

Near sunset, I see Simone walking towards the forest in a daze. She doesn't look around, doesn't see if anyone follows, but walks. When she's at the tree line, I shift and follow her silently. She continues walking long past dark, just barely missing trees and dodging boulders. I see she's only in a large shirt and socks: the shirt is mine. I narrow my eyes. When did she get that one?

I follow her until she stops and turns her head. It's at this moment, I realize she's sleepwalking. Surprised because she's never done this before, I wait for something to happen, but she just stands there. Carefully, after a minute, I stalk over and put my muzzle in her hand, letting it glide onto my head. As if on instinct, she grabs my scruff. I begin to walk, slowly so she doesn't trip and lead her back home.

When we get to the pack house, she lets go and walks in without any troubles, flopping onto her bed and curling up. I lay outside her door in case this happens again, but it doesn't and when morning rolls around, she hasn't moved an inch. I go home and shower, then move on with the rest of my day.

I watch her again sleepwalk into the forest for three more nights without anything going wrong. On the fourth night, she doesn't get up and I stare at her all night, watching her toss and turn, seeing her blankets get thrown to the ground before I go up and pull them back onto her when she's calms again. I make sure I make myself scarce when she wakes in the morning.

It's on the fifth night when I see and hear what Corey's talking about. Simone had gone to bed early for whatever reason and seemed intent on being left alone. I gave her a few minutes to dress for bed and turn out her lights before going up and laying by her door. I didn't think anything would happen, didn't believe Simone had really been shouting my name in the middle of the night due to some nightmare. I fell asleep hearing her peaceful breathing and subtle shifts.

It must not have been long before I woke to an earsplitting scream that shook the house. I flattened my ears but that did nothing at all. "NO! Don't hurt me! Please!"

Feet came towards me and I stood and growled only to see Corey and Thrain. They held up their hands and slowed down.

Simone continued. "It hurts! Let me go! Please, stop!" Her voice broke and turned into sobs. "NO! REED!" Something hit the floor with a loud thud, and I winced. My friends tried to go inside, but I growled again, stopping them in their tracks.

"She needs help!" Corey hissed. I growled and listened again.

"Don't break it! Please! Reed's my mate! I swear! He's mine! Don't take that away from me! Don't break it!" She pauses to cry and whimpers a moment later, "I'll do anything...just don't break the bond."

She continues to cry, and I ache to go in there, but feel as if there's something I'm waiting to hear, something to tell me what Corey said was true.

"Reed let us in, now!" he hissed. I lower my head, ready to attack him if he got too close. "Your mate is in pain! She needs help! If you won't go in there, then let us!"

My teeth snap at his throat and he jumps back. What I hear next makes me forget Thrain and Corey, forget my problems, forget enemies and allies, forget the past and future. Time simply stops after that. Simone cries, "I love him!"

Bloodline and Kin (Gifted Werewolf Series: Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now