16: Reed

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Dear Simone,

You disobeyed my orders and got one of your own in trouble with another alpha. You will have consequences. – WB

Who is WB?" Corey asks after I showed him and Thrain the note Simone received the night before. I picked it out of the trash this morning, so she didn't see it when she woke up.

"I don't know, but I am going to guess it has something to do with her past."

"Did she see it?" Thrain asks.

"No. I wouldn't show it to her. She was scared enough."

"Do you think she'll know who it is?"

"Maybe, but I'd rather not terrify her any more than I have."

Thrain frowns. "If she has a chance of knowing who it is and she is willing to tell you, you should ask her."

I shake my head. "That's the thing. She doesn't do well when being asked about certain people or events of her past. She burst into tears when I asked about certain bullies she's had."

"Shit, what did they do?" Corey said with wide eyes.

"Never mind that. I just want to figure out who is threatening her," I say, and they nod.

"Let me ask around some other packs quietly," Thrain says and I nod.

"I'll keep an eye out for anyone suspicious," Corey announces.

Having decided, we head out of the pack house. Thrain goes off one direction to make phone calls right away while Corey and I head towards the house. I'm glancing around finding everything is calm and quiet when my friend holds out an arm. I look at him, then towards my house.

A man with bleach blonde hair is walking into the forest, looking happy with himself. Corey growls lowly and I feel something like dread settle. "Go after him," I snarl. "Bring him back alive if you catch him before the border." Nodding, Corey shifts and takes off.

I run into the house, looking around and not seeing anything amiss. I hear a something upstairs and take them two at a time, running down the hall and into the bedroom. "Simone!"

Eyes wide with horror, she screams through the gag in her mouth, struggling with the bonds around her wrists. Her pants are off and the sheets are stained red.

I shake my head and slowly go over and undo the rope, then the gag. "Simone, look at me!" I whisper hurriedly.

"No! Not again! It hurts!" She curls in on herself, holding her stomach, crying.

"It hurts! I can't take it!"

"Simone, calm down!"

Her body shakes. "Please no more! It hurts! I don't want it!" I realize her voice is raspy as if her throat is sore and see it's swollen. "I'll do anything! Just leave me alone!"

Carefully, I pull her into my arms and cradle her body, trying to take away the pain. But her cries and screams go on for long minutes...reaching past an hour. She shakes, weakly tries to push me away, then falls limp only to repeat. I finally see Corey who immediately looks away. I know he didn't catch the man, so I gesture to the bathroom. "Start the bath and see if the doctor can come in."

He nods and says, "He's on his way now."

Going into the bathroom, I hear him fill the tub, steam filling the room. He comes out, nodding, then leaves. I lift Simone and walk in setting her gently in the hot water. She screams and starts to fight me. "Simone, it's just water!"

Bloodline and Kin (Gifted Werewolf Series: Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now