eleven 🫂

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"FOR THE LAST FUCKING TIME I SAID NO!" Jungkook shot up with blown eyes. Why the hell was Taehyung yelling??


It was quite making him sigh in relief. They were on the phone obviously. He stood up flinching when Taehyung yelled again. "YOU ALWAYS DO THIS!" He peeked out the room seeing Taehyung point around looking absolutely pissed.

If Jungkook was being honest, he was terrified. Taehyung looked lethal but he still had to ask what was wrong because if he didn't calm down he was going to break something.

"You know what-- fine I'll go, don't expect me to talk to you or your wife though. Good fucking day Mr. Kim." He seethed hanging up. Jungkook stood there with wide bambi eyes. He didn't want Taehyung to ever be that mad at him. Ever.

"H-hyung." He breathed out almost gasping when Taehyung's glared in his direction. Deciding to be a little brave Jungkook walked forward until he stood in front of the shorter.

"You- um..I.. " what was he supposed to say? In truth he didn't know what was actually happening. Taehyung sighed and closed his eyes before opening them and giving a flirty smile. "Come here Kookie, hyung will make it up to you." Taehyung dragged him into a kiss while Jungkook struggled.

"Wait- hyung." Jungkook gently held his hands, pulling away. "You're not yourself right now, p-please calm down." Taehyung sighed. "Then what the fuck do you want!?" Jungkook stared down at him in slight shock and Taehyung softened seeing his big doe eyes.

"I'm sorry Kookie-" His word was cut off feeling himself being hugged. Jungkook wrapped his arms around him, pulling him close into a warm hug. Taehyung was still in shock but hesitantly hugged back feeling Jungkook rub soothing circles on his waist.

"Why are you so angry hyungie?" He whispered in a soft voice. "You don't have to tell me, we can just hug until you feel better oki?" Taehyung softened and dug his face into Jungkook's neck closing his eyes.
It.. Felt nice. Getting some affection.

Jungkook gently lifted him up and walked to their room sitting against his bed head. He gently rubbed his back and shoulders, rocking him side to side. "I'm sorry baby, I'm sorry I yelled at you." Jungkook smiled a little and  nodded. "It's ok, you're mad. Everyone gets mad and sometimes loose control."

Taehyung couldn't help but smile softly. Jungkook was always so sweet to him. He sat up and looked at Jungkook who tilted his head holding his hands. "What's wrong?" Taehyung bit his lip nervously. "I don't want to come off as spoilt or ungreatful.."

Jungkook shook his head. "This is a no judge household!" Taehyung giggled making Jungkook smile happy that he made him cheer up a little. "There's an event in a couple months.. Where y'know.. All companies get together and have something we call a 'ball'." Jungkook nodded encouraging him.

"It's all so snobbish,, all they do is boast and force you to act like you're interested." Taehyung sighed. "I can't even bring a friend with me, I hate it. They make fun of people who don't have as much money as we do and it's disgusting." Jungkook nodded slowly.

"I love my parents and family ok, I'm greatful for what they gave me but I don't want to.. Take over the company Kookie. It isn't my passion and what I enjoy." Jungkook nodded and understood why he was so stressed. This was a big deal. The eldest son, their heir didn't want to take over. The Kim Dynasty therefore wanted to force him.

"What do you like to do?" Taehyung blushed. "I like.. It's stupid really." Jungkook squeezed his hands as a warning with furrowed brows. "Don't call things you like stupid hyung." The older had an embarrassed blush on his face making Jungkook chuckle.

"You can tell me." "Uh well I like.. Fashion. I'm into doing nails and putting together outfits. Hair and make up. I enjoy glaming people out." He whispered looking down. "Look at me." Taehyung looked up and Jungkook leaned forward pressing a kiss on his lips.

"Sorry I just wanted to do that." Jungkook chuckled sheepishly. "That's normal hyung, in fact you can make your own company with that. You can be a famous designer, a big time stylist. A blogger. So many options you should be proud not embarassed."

Taehyung was blushing badly now. Because no one besides Jimin knew about this, no one besides Jimin told him his talent was cool. "Ahh you're so cute when you blush hyungie, look you're all red~" Jungkook teased knowing damn well he does the same thing and looks like a tomato.

Taehyung covered his face making Jungkook laugh. "Here's what, just go the ball and silently judge everyone and you can rant all you want to me after and we can diss those bitches together." Taehyung nodded and laughed.

"Thank you kookie." "No problem hyung. Remember we're friends that get naughty." Taehyung through back his head laughing while Jungkook giggled. "Hey, you're word not mine." Taehyung hummed. "Let's go pop popcorn and have an anime marathon." Taehyung perked up. "Oooo~ let's watch back over one punch man then Assassination Classroom."

"Say less!" They both scrambled to the kitchen and living room dimming the lights, popping the corn and getting blankets setting up the TV.

"Saitama is lowkey over powered dude."
"Could he beat Goku though?"
"Shut the fuck up Jungkook."


My bio and how I text makes me look so soft and cutesy when I'm literally the most loudest, aggressive person.
A lil fluff fluff to cleanse your mind 🫂🤌🏽

-Yoonji 🖤

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