twenty-three ඞ

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Short filler chapter luvs ꨄ

edit: today,  a  month later.. I COMPLETELY FORGOT I'M A WATTPAD WRITER I AM SO SORRY😭😭😭😭


Ah yes. A day all to himself in the dorms...
kinda missed the ashed hair though.

Jungkook hummed scrolling through his phone on the couch. half his body off the couch and his own hand combing through his hair. He let out a yawn before cutting it short with a flinch when his phone started ringing.

lazily he picked it up, answering the familiar name.

"Hey dad, what's up?" his low voice grumbled, yawning again. "Son." just from the sound of his father's hesitant voice he instantly woke up. "talk to me appa, is it mom? she ok? you ok? is the-" "no no son were fine." the man chuckled lowly before pausing—

"I just called to tell you about something but that can wait, how are you son?" Jungkook relaxed and huffed deeply.

"I'm ok appa, the dorms are really actually cozy." he grinned to himself but giggled when his mom shouted 'I told you so!'  in the background.

"ok so mom's definitely ok." the father-son duo laughed it off.

"any friends? I know how shy you are- especially when it comes to people." jungkook hummed and went deep in thought, suddenly smiling. "Actually yeah, I've actually made a couple good friends."

he heard a gasp on the other side, his mother starting to squeal. He giggled feeling proud of himself now.

"that's amazing! do bring them home sometimes ok?? I'll make cookies and brownies or whatever you'd like!" his mother sudden exclaim made him scratch his head and go quite.

".. they don't know, do they?" Jungkook shook his head but remembered they can't see him. "no.." "aish this kid!" his father face palmed hard and rolled his eyes.

"son, cmon." "i-ill tell them I promise! just not now?" he said not even sure himself. His father sighed . "Well it's gonna have to be soon cause the family was invited the ball son."

Jungkooo sat up right with wide eyes, completely awake and attentive. "B-but-" "You can't hide anymore son.. You want this company and I will you it but you have to step out of your shell my boy. You can't hide behind memories any more.. "

Jungkook's mouth was dropped open, breaths slowly leaving. "O-okay.. Uhm ok dad. I-ill be ready."

"Thank you son."

The line cut with a strange sound and he dropped back into the chair quickly.

Silence.. Before he groaned loudly and kicked his feet eventually falling off the chair.

Scractching his locks he thought of ways to break it to the others. I mean, it would be so sudden and so unexpected. groaning loudly he let out a small scream in frustration.

Suddenly he sat up.

The trip! Tomorrow they would be going on a trip, the whole school to cabins in the woods. Basically a rich kid camping spree.

He could fit it in somewhere. It's better to get it done sooner or later. The quicker he told Taehyung the quicker he would be forgiven.

he sighed in thought.

he really wished that he could just live like this forever.

life was good.

until it won't be




forgive me please 🥲
this is a filler chapter so it's short.
it's half 1 am rn so later on today you'll get another full chapter ok?

love you lots!

-Yoonji 💚

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