twenty-eight 🧍‍♂️

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*nervous smile* hey guys...


"I have something to show you." Jungkook said, fiddling with the ends of his shirt to Taehyung who just came out the bathroom in a towel.

"I'm busy." The older huffed, drying his hair.

"I-I.. have to confess something. " That sure froze him. Taehyung felt his heart speed up, eyes widening just a little. "What is it?.." Something important."

"Okay.. say it." Jungkook opened and closed his mouth. "I- ah I have to bring you some where first.."

"Where are we going?" He questioned, wiping the sweat on his forehead. They were climbing up a hill and it was exhausting. Yet Jungkook didn't seem to break a sweat.

"Were almost there, I promise hyung-ah, it's worth it!" Taehyung groaned.

Then his foot slipped.
A high-pitched squeal left his lips. His eyes shut in fear only for them to open widely when his hand was yanked.

Jungkook caught him, staring with wide eyes. Then he started laughing. "It's not funny I could've died!" Jungkook cackled, pulling him closer.

"Oh my hyung, you can't die with me here. I've hiked since 7 years old." Jungkook giggled pulling him close in by the waist.

Taehyung was still shaken but staring at Jungkook's scrunched up nose while he laughed was priority because it was all he could think about.

"Don't be so mad pretty, I promise I'll never let you hurt yourself." Jungkook softly promised, dipping his head to kiss softly on his cheek. Taehyung blushed, nodding in a daze.

"Oh and- we're here."

Jungkook turned his frame. Taehyung sported a confused look. "A cave?" Taehyung questioned, hearing water running somewhere. He assumed it was from the water fall they went to but he was wrong.

'Do you trust me?" Taehyung nodded, hands shaking. "I know you're scared of caves but I'm right here. " Jungkook spoke softly, engulfing the smaller hands in his larger ones.

"O-okay.." Taehyung mumbled, walking behind Jungkook who was carrying him straight into the cave.

As they were about to enter Taehyung froze. "I-I cant! I'm scared Kookie.." For the first time Jungkook had seen Taehyung tearing up, it indicated how scared he was of places like caves and the dark.

Jungkook Grit his teeth, he knew where the fear came from..

he wanted to kill that bastard.

"Come here hyung." Taehyung sniffled, placing his head on Jungkook's chest. "I-im really scared.. " Jungkook gently picked him up, allowing the older to hug him like a koala. "You want me to carry you?" Taehyung hesitantly nodded, gripping onto him tightly as Jungkook walked in the place.

His lip trembled, feeling the darkness engulf his whole being.. but it was different .

He slowly opened his eyes realizing it wasnt completely dark.

Further into the cave, on the walls and floor was glowing green and blue mushrooms. He gasped lightly, not gripping Jungkook so tightly anymore.

"Wh-what.." He mumbled.. staring at them in awe. "I told you I'd keep you safe hyung, I promised you you'd like it." Jungkook chuckled making him blush.

Taehyung caught some more light deeper in the cave. He saw that above the cave was an opening, allowing sunshine to fill that radius of it, below the sunlight was a pool of crystal blue water. It was flowing. Which means they were in the mountain that once had a beautifully flowing body of water.

"You couldn't have found this place in a couple of hours.. you've been here before haven't you?" Taehyung questioned as he was gently put down to stand on his own.

"Yes." Jungkook nodded giving him a cute smile. "I've known about this places for ages. It's me and my family's spot." Taehyung felt all mushy inside seeing the others bright bunny smile.. but deep down he felt a bit envious. He wished he had something like that with his parents.

"How did you guys manage to stay?" Jungkook crouched down. He knew Taehyung was talking financially. A trip like this doesn't just happen. However he wasn't ready to explain yet.

"Think fast." "Wha-Ack! It's cold! " Jungkook laughed at the older who was running away from the cold water Jungkook splashed on him. "Kookie!" The man crippled in laughter only for his eyes to blow wide open when he was pushed into the pool.

Now it was Taehyung's turn to giggle and laugh. Jungkook emerged from the water taking a deep breathe. "Holy fuck that is cold.." He shivered making Taehyung giggle.

Jungkook chuckled making eye contact with Taehyung. The other looked at him with those pretty eyes making him blush deeply turning his back, leaning against the edge. He took off his shirt, throwing the wet cloth on his bag a foot from the pool.

Taehyung giggled at his shyness, walking over and sitting next to him, putting his feet in the water. "You're so cute even though we've know each other for how long now." He chuckled, ruffling the younger's hair.

Jungkook leaned into his touch. "It's because your beauty will never get old to me." Taehyung's eyes went wide as saucers and he coughed trying to cover his blush.

"Oh the literal cheese dip you are." He mumbled making Jungkook giggle turning to the older, placing his head on the thick thighs.

"All because of you pretty hyung." "Is that some kind of confession?" Taehyung teased, secretly hoping it was. Jungkook smirked raising his head to go so close to the older.

"Do you want it to be, petal?" Taehyung scoffed seeing his plan backfired. He pushed Jungkook into the water again making him laugh.



-Yoonji 🤟🏽

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