Y/n and Camilla

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Y/n P.O.V~

I sat on the couch of my home with Kana on my lap, Camilla was filling up a bath for her as I rubbed the back of her head as she spoke while I ran my fingers through her beautiful purple eyes.

Kana:" Papa, could you tell me a story?"

Y/n:" Of course. Is there any, in particular, you would like to hear?"

Kana thought about it for a second before she spoke.

Kana:" Tell me how you met mom."

I smiled as I spoke.

Y/n:" Oh, has Camilla not told you that story?"

Kana:" No, she had, but I want to hear it from your side of the story."

I smiled as I spoke.

Y/n:" Of course, anything for my Kana bun. So, where to begin? I had just been sent into a black hole by Shang Tsung after our fight.

*Flashback start!*

Third-person P.O.V~

A mass of clouds came together, and a black hole opened in the sky before Y/n was shot out of it. Y/n screamed as he hit the top of a building, breaking off some of the roof tiles before he slid across I'm the roof of the building. Y/n took his remaining rope spear and stabbed the kunai into the top, and continued to slide until he slid off. Y/n was caught as he hung by the main of his rope spear and shouted.

Y/n:" Yes!!!"

The links of his chain began to break as he shouted.

Y/n:" No!"

Y/n fell to the ground with a crunch. Y/n wobbled as he spoke.

Y/n:" Ah, fuck my leg."

Y/n began to limp slightly as he turned, gazing at the building.

Y/n:" Where the fuck am I?"

The blade of an ax then pressed against Y/n's neck as he turned around to see who was holding the ax.

The blade of an ax then pressed against Y/n's neck as he turned around to see who was holding the ax

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Camilla:" Hello there, naughty Hoshidan, it's murder time."

Y/n gulped as he teleported behind her and attempted to roundhouse kick Camilla, only for her to duck under it. Camilla yanked Y/n's leg and slammed him onto his back. Y/n teleported behind in front of her and shot a fireball out of his palms. Camilla quickly dodged and hurled her ax at Y/n. The ax landed right by Y/n's head, almost cutting off his left ear. Y/n grabbed Camilla's ax and charged at her Camilla ran at Y/n. Camilla quickly knocked the ax out of Y/n's hands as the duo got in a full-fledged fistfight. Y/n then noticed an arrow flying towards Camilla; Y/n quickly shoved Camilla out of the way to the ground and spoke.

Y/n:" Out of the way!"

Y/n and Camilla looked to see a group of archers wearing what looked to be almost Japanese armor. Camilla growled as she yelled out.

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