My old friend

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Y/n P.O.V~

I sighed as I sat on the deck of my home, holding my sword in my hand. Footsteps rang out as someone sat next to me on the deck and spoke.

Haru:" You okay, little bro?"

I looked up at my brother and gripped my sword tighter as I spoke.

Y/n:" Yeah. I'm fine, just thinking."

Haru put a hand on my shoulder as he spoke; his eyes softened.

Haru:" Need to talk about it."

I nodded as he spoke.

Haru:" So what's on your mind, little bro?"

Y/n:" I was just thinking about the upcoming battle."

Haru:" You nervous?"

Y/n:" I just wish I didn't have to fight Yuri."

Haru:" Whose Yuri?"

Y/n:" Yuri, also known as Omega, was the first apprentice I met back when I was in the past with Camilla."

I looked down at my hands, the hands of someone who had created a monster.

Haru:" Omega was your apprentice?"

Y/n:" Yeah, he was..."

Haru:" So, what happened?"

*Flashback start*

I walked down the road with my hands in my pockets. I was out getting some food for Camilla and me when I heard a voice scream out.

???:" Help!!! Help me!!!"

I quickly sprinted towards where I had heard the voice coming from. I quickly saw that a bandit group was attacking a young boy. I grabbed my sword as I shouted out at the bandits.

Y/n:" Let the boy go!"

The bandits looked at me like I was crazy and spoke.

Bandit #1:" Oh, and what will you do?"

I growled as I hurled my rope spear into the man's eye, killing him before I pulled it back, pulling the man's head off his body while the other bandits shouted out.

Bandit's:" Kill him!"

The bandit's charged at me as my blue fire formed around me, as the fire formed into tendrils, which began to burn all of the bandits to ashes. The child screamed out as green flames erupted from him, burning the bandit the dust as my eyes widened. The boy let out a roar as the green flames grew wilder. I began to march forwards into the green fire as I yelled out, trying to reach the little boy.

Y/n:" Kid, you need to turn off your flames!!!"

The little boy went into the fetal position and began to cry, only making his flames even more powerful. I cursed under my breath as I grew closer ad closer to the boy while speaking.

Y/n:" Kid, I need you to calm down."

I finally reached the boy as my skin began to burn off. I sighed as I spoke.

Y/n:" Kid, what's your name?"

The young boy looked at me with tears as he spoke.

Yuri:" My name is Y-Yuri."

I smiled under my mask as I helped the young boy to his feet while speaking.

Y/n:" Yuri, those are some pretty intense flames you had there."

Yuri looked down, twiddling his thumbs before he spoke.

Yuri:" Yeah, but it can't control them."

My eyes softened as I spoke.

Y/n:" Oh..."

So that's why he couldn't turn his flames off.

Y/n:" Kid, I can teach you how to control them if you want."

Yuri smiled as he spoke.

Yuri:" Really?"

Y/n:" Yeah."

I put a hand on Yuri's shoulder as I spoke.

Y/n:" Okay, Yuri, from now on, you will be my apprentice."

The little boy smiled as he took my hand while I spoke.

*Flashback over*

Haru:" So Omega was a kid when you started training him?"

Y/n:" Yeah, I taught him our ways and treated him like family."

Haru:" So what happened between you too?"

Y/n:" Well, one day after we were done training, we stumbled upon an artifact called the hourglass that could control the sands of time."

Haru:" What does that mean?"

Y/n:" It can change the events of the timeline."

I looked down at my hands as I continued to speak.

Y/n:" He wanted to rewrite the world into a perfect world; however, he would deny the people the right to make their own decisions and force this world with no sentient life except for him."

Haru:" Why the fuck would he want to do that?"

Y/n:" During our five years of training together, I told him some of the events that would happen, and he grew to think that humanity would become evil and that the only way to make us into good beings deserving of life."

I looked down for a second as I spoke.

Y/n:" You know what the worst part is? He's right."

Haru's eyes widened as I continued to speak.

Y/n:" Humanity on some level is evil; I mean, look at all the wars and conflicts we've started just because we are too stupid to put aside differences and live. I mean, think about how many people died for all of those silly headbands."

I then got off my but and stood up, clenching my fists as I spoke.

Y/n:" However, humanity has the potential for great things, and I would like to think that we can put aside our issues if the situation calls for it."

I looked back at my brother as I spoke.

Y/n:" But now, for the good of humanity, I must kill my former student."

Haru's eyes softened as he spoke.

Haru:" Oh, little bro..."

Haru hugged his younger brother, not letting him go, while Y/n's fists only shook, knowing what he would have to do.

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