Chapter Forty-Nine: Nepotism

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Chapter Forty-Nine: Nepotism

The next few days weren't as much productive as the last one, mostly because Jayden refused to let out anything he's been working on. Most of the days, he always had a mysterious smirk playing on his lips as we hung out, talking too less, mostly with me, since he was busy taking up calls and talking in whispered voice and leaving me staring at him like a hopeless puppy and even if we talked, he smoothly avoided the subject about the jocks and Kate. 

I was kind of pissed off at the whole thing at first but I just let it go since I was never too good with planning stuffs and using my brain anyway. I didn't want to admit it to myself but I knew he'd be better at this than me. After all, it was his fault we were caught up in this mess. 

For one thing, we weren't even sure what was actually happening right now. The culprit, as Jayden says is one of the jocks, were laying low, at least for now because according to my sidekick it's only a matter of days for them to strike again with our names this time. I still wonder who would want to follow us in the middle of the night to dig up dirt about us. I mean, it was just graffities, everyone does that, right?

Don't they?

Well not the entire population, I'll admit, but the whole idea of spreading rumors about us (which to some extent, was true) just because of they're jealous of Jayden is so stupid I can't even think about it for like 4 seconds without getting major second hand embarrassment. 

As for Rosetta, I still haven't seen her in school for the past few days, almost as if she's disappeared from the universe. Jayden called me petty for it, but I wasn't going to start talking to her out of nowhere as if she didn't stab me on my back, and moreover, disappeared without confronting. If she was the one who was going to fix this on her own since she's the one to ruin everything we had in the first place, I think it'd be better if she take the first step. 

But I couldn't really say things were going great now without her, as I saw Jayden in front of me typing up something super fast on his phone. 

"What the heck have you been doing?" I groaned in boredom. This was driving me crazy, the fact that he was doing all of this without telling me anything was messing me up and no matter what I told myself, I wanted to at least have an idea of what we were about to do.

He looked up from his phone at me his face surprised. 

We were in the cafeteria, my feet up on the table and Jayden in front of me. At this point, not that I didn't make it clear, but people didn't mostly pay attention to us. Jayden, probably, they did but not me. It was a wonder that they didn't come to the conclusion that we were dating by now; it was as if I was incapable of dating or sleeping with him or something. 

That... sounded like I'm being desperate but I wasn't really complaining, actually things were better this way. 

"Nothing." He mumbled, ignoring my death glares and going back to typing.

I didn't want to feel like this but that line just... pissed me off.

"What the fuck have you been up to actually these days?" I desperately asked and lowered my legs from the table to look serious, looking at him full at face. It was still handsome and frigging attractive as ever, but right now I wanted to focus on my anger not his stupid looks. 

His eyes bobbed on me this time, and he just shook his head. "Not your problem, Queen. But chill, it's gonna be fine."

"What are you planning?"


"Jayden, what are you planning?"


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