Chapter Sixty: Naomi Campbell Walks Wearing My Design

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Chapter SixtyNaomi Campbell Walks Wearing My Design

Jayden and I sat hand in hand in the bleachers. 

Oh yes I know all about getting flustered and all that but I was too absorbed in gaping at the scene in front of us to really understand when he'd come beside me and when I held his hand in the tension. 

So in the end, it wasn't really needed because Vanessa took the thing smoother than she'd said she would. 

I tried rubbing my palms on Jayden's dry one, trying still to decipher the dancing that was taking place in front of us. "She's a natural."

Jayden closed his gaped mouth and nodded. "She won three interschool championships, before the whole bike thing where she got homeschooled."

I nodded, remembering what Jessie once told us. "It's really cruel, they can't enjoy their senior years."

"Well technically Sam's a junior."

I raised my eyebrows at the new infromation. "How come? Didn't you guys...?"

"Oh I know, but he had to drop a year."


Jayden shrugged. "It waqs quite stupid really."

"Why what was it?"

He sigehd loudly, looking over at the scene of Vanessa dancing with the other girls, shouting 'one, two, three' as they did. "Well... Sam is adopted you see."

I slowly blink, then shook my head because ast this poiunt I knew that I had probably a long history regarding to whatever that had to do with them. I'll stick to get to knowing them slowly but nevertheless, I chuckled breathily.


"Indeed," he nodded along with me. "His parents had Mia two years after him. It was when he was sixteen when he found out about his adoption and stuff and then walked out of his home. Mia went kind of a lunatic after he did... they had to drop her off at his place too."

I nodded, everything clicking into places, "Jay Minho's place."

Jayden snapped. "Jay Minho's place indeed."

We stayed silent for a while, watching the morning blooming into a bright one from the gray state, and of course, Vanessa's skills. I was awed because I knew that she was a show stopper with her appearance but I guess I was wrong to conclude that a bad temper and a pretty face was all she had.

I feel shit for doing that.

"I can't memorize," I suddenly blurted out, without knowing what even I was talking about before I did.

I used to be a conquisitor, ready to take over the world with my mad potential but instead of searching for the lost city of Atlantis or finding a country bigger than America by sailing across the ocean, I spent that time running around in Carolina  throwing fits when I didn't get ice cream.

I used to read books when I was four, and I liked staring at my mom's aprons, thinking about what to put in the bland and dainty baby blue and make it look...not bland. I liked it, more than anything else because overtime, I'd found myself looking at all of the towels in our house, thinking about how pretty they would've looked if only there was a small daisy or a frog or a bird or a heart shape on them.

I was a bright child. Until school happened.

Until things I didn't want to read or look at- happened. Until the brightness that shone upon my glory dimmed until it withered, and finally washed away.

I looked at Jayden and blinked.

Now I'm just stuck between wanting to be better at the things that means nothing to me but means everything for people that don't own me, and wanting to be something I know that will forever make me happy but will make other people frown.

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