Chapter Forty-Six: My Judgements Are a Little Confusing

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Dedicated to @RenukaRavi2. Thanks sis for reminding me to write.

Chapter Forty-Six: My Judgements Are a Little Confusing


"Okay, I say we are almost done." Jayden chirped once he was done spraying the whole wall almost at the ending point of our town and doing stuffs on a wall. Again. (Read chapter fourteen). And this time Mia was with us too, complaining every second for going home early because unlike Jayden and like me, she doesn't want to get caught by cops.

And we're basically (obviously) getting caught.

First of all, it's night time, and night time is when those nightmare happens and second, if Mr Cop chases by any chance, I won't be able to run, and the next time we're doing it, they're definitely gonna catch us, if not Mia, then Jayden and me because we almost got caught not even 2 weeks ago and it was a disaster. We barely survived.

"You're over exaggerating Queen." Jayden calmly informed me as I watch him draw a zigzag line right above a thing that vaguely looks like a pentagon even though he said he was done. Or is it octagon? I counted the lines of the shape and came to the clear conclusion that it's a pentagon.

"You don't understand. We almost got caught last time. For the record, you shouldn't even come here!" I point out exasperatedly, pointing at the wall where his art lays that was equally beautiful as the last one.

It was as messy as the last one either, but somehow, it showed the thing I dread the most.


Not that I have geometry class in senior year but I remember being a noob in freshman, and took geometry. It was a bad dream. So I took that down immediately in sophomore and met Rosetta who now seems to be a distant memory.

I take my phone out and there is 23 notifications. 12 calls from Blake, 9 calls from Rose, and two texts from the same person. I clicked the power button off and pocketed it again.

I just don't want to face her right now.

Jayden glanced at my way, fiddling with the can. "What is it, Queen?"

I looked up and met his eyes which was full of concern. Real concern, that made my stomach twist in a strange way.

But I lied anyway. "Nothing. Can we get going before suing ourselves?"

He bite his lips, then turned around. "Yep. We're done."

I don't bother looking back to see what it looked like and almost dragged all of them with me towards the jeep. "Let's just go before anyone catches us."

Mia started to get into the drivers seat but Jayden stops her before she could. "Excuse you young lady, what do you think you're doing?"

She stared at him, partially bored. "I have a learners permit."

Bumping her away with his hips, Jayden got into the seat and slammed the door shut. Then through the glass, grinned at her. "And I'm 18, therefore a responsible guardian for two brainless sixteen years old."

As soon as the words left his mouth, I defended by saying, "Excuse me sir, I'm seventeen, to be eighteen in less then a month!"

Hr flashed a toothy smile in my direction. "I know. Get in the car."

But Mia, being the violent squirrel she is, hauled towards Jayden with a tiny howl. They starts to fight like three years old and soon enough, they both ends up in the most strangest position possible.

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