Gift Ideas When You're On a Budget

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Hi! Isla here,I'm gonna give you some ideas for gifts if you don't have a lot of money at your disposal.

Now, I know how it feels to be broke. I don't get an allowance, and I still have to do chores. With Christmas right around the corner, my total savings are five bucks. That means I'm going to have to be creative this year.

So, without further ado, here are my ideas!

A joke. I know that sounds weird, but it's always a fun way to go. One year, my grandma got my cousin a huge box of cereal,and a big jar of honey! This year, I plan on making my friend a huge batch of homemade hard boiled eggs, because she always eats mine at lunch, and those are just the gas station ones! I have chickens, who have the run of an entire acre to graze around and eat bugs, so the eggs I use are the best of the best!

Draw, or paint something. Now, maybe you are thinking, "But I can't draw, or paint!" Neither could I a year ago! The best thing to do is practice. If you want, you can look up tons of fun drawing tutorials on YouTube.

Write or memorize a poem, and recite it. I have done this for my mom before, and she loved it (that might just be since she's my mom, though). I love poetry and theater, so memorizing stuff like that is fun! Of course, I would rather be memorizing quotes from my favorite book series...

Make something. A homemade bracelet, or hat, or scarf are always good ways to show you care!

A performance. Maybe you dance. Maybe you're in a theater group. Maybe you can sing, or play an instrument. Use those skills! Choreograph a short dance. Perform a one woman skit. Sing a song, or play a music piece! I know from experience that when you create a gift that won't last a long time, the recipient appreciates it much more than if you buy something that will last forever, but you put little thought or time into it.

So there you go! Those are all of my best ideas! Happy holidays!


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