kindness & gratitude 💕

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sometimes, life can feel like it's moving way too fast- too quickly to enjoy the little things that really make life special. between worrying about the future or obsessing over the past, struggling to live in the moment is something that simply makes you human. here are some tips on how kindness & gratitude can help impact the way you live your life !!

1. Record. even though life can be difficult, there's always things you can be grateful for. even if it's tiny things, like how beautiful the flowers look or what you're eating for breakfast. every day, try to record those little moments that mean something to you. you can do this in a diary or journal, or even just in your head. 

it can also be helpful to keep track of kind things people do for you, or kind things you've done for others! this can be kind words, helpful advice, or even just a friendly smile. stopping to remember and record good things can help you realize all of the good things you have :)

2. Enjoy. this goes hand in hand with the idea of recording what you're grateful for! wherever you are in your everyday life, take a minute to stop and simply enjoy where you are and what you're doing. that stressful test you have? forget about it, just for a few moments. like the saying goes "stop and smell the flowers". you'd be surprised how many beautiful things surround you when you simply take the time to enjoy them.

put your phone away, get out of the house, release your worries for the briefest of moments. it can be difficult at first to let go of such heavy weights. but the rewards are more than satisfying and will enable you to truly appreciate everything you have.

3. Express. and don't just keep those beautiful moments and feelings of appreciation to yourself! share them with others. tell those around you that you love them. thank people for the things they've done for you and continue to do. enabling others to feel loved and appreciated will do the same thing for you in return. enabling them to feel like they matter will give you a purpose as well. and as always, there's never any harm in giving some kind words to someone you love!

i hope this could help you learn more about how you can live in the moment and appreciate every aspect of your life, even the smallest ones that don't feel like they make much  of a difference. always remember your worth: that you're loved, appreciated, and worthy.

im proud of you! stay safe and don't forget to smile. you've got this.


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