Fun things to do for the holidays

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Hi! It’s Abby, and this will be my first post for SGC. The holidays are coming up (AKA my second favourite season, possibly tied for first, and the most wonderful time of the year!) which, for me, is super exciting–because I love this season. It’s just so…happy, you know? 

Anyway, I’ll be suggesting a few fun things to do during the holidays!

Make gingerbread houses

My family always does this, and it’s so much fun! For one, you get to eat a bunch of candy (even though you’re not technically supposed to) and you can even try to eat the gingerbread–though, trust me, it’s not that great.

If you’re really creative, this is a fun way to express that! Plus, it’s fun to see how everyone else’s turns out! Mine are always super neat, and my siblings’ are generally a mess. I’m not super artistic, but this doesn’t matter; it’s just about having fun. If you don’t have siblings (or are currently ignoring them, because it’s like that sometimes) invite some friends over! Have a lighthearted competition, or just decorate! Either way, it’s always fun!

Check out the holiday lights

My library has a park next to it, and they always surround the path with a light display. My family always goes through it, just to enjoy the lights. I find it sort of peaceful and pretty (broken occasionally with my siblings yells), and it’s definitely something I enjoy during the holidays. 

But, if you don’t have a park or anything like that near you, it’s not a problem! Plenty of people decorate for the holidays, and neighbourhoods are often filled with lights. Take a drive around with your family, and enjoy the lights. Or, if your neighbourhood does it, walk! It’s a good way to get some fresh air, and you won’t regret it; everything is simply gorgeous, and it always puts me in a holiday spirit. 

Bake cookies

I usually do this with my mom, and, occasionally, my sister. I’m not a huge baker, but I do enjoy it, and it results in food. Who doesn’t enjoy warm cookies, fresh from the oven? 

Some people don’t, probably, or are allergic (but if you are, I’m sure there are recipes you can find online that don’t include whatever you’re allergic to!), but I do, and I’m sure some of you do, as well. 

This is always good to do with a family member, just to bring you closer together. Plus, you sample everything first ;) 

If you have leftovers (my family never does, because when it comes to sugar my siblings are bottomless pits), you can give them to a neighbour, or friend, or someone you think will enjoy them! 

Go ice-skating

I, personally, don’t like ice-skating. My Canadian relatives probably think I’m a weird alien because more of my family loves to–or did, at one point. My siblings do, too. But me? Nope. I’m terrified of falling, so I don’t. And that means holding onto the wall and shuffling. 

But I’m putting this on here anyway because I know so many people love to skate. Even if you don’t live where there’s snow, ice-skating rinks are popping up everywhere. You can go with your family, or friends, and have a blast; warming up with hot chocolate later! 

See the Nutcracker 

I don’t know about you, but this is something my family does almost every year (with a few exceptions), and it’s definitely worth it. I love ballet, even though there’s not hope of me doing it, and think it’s so pretty to watch! It amazes me how they can do that! Respect to all the dancers out there! 

This is definitely a fun holiday tradition to start with your family!

Chop down your Christmas tree

Head up into the mountains with your family and pick one out! Plus, most places offer hot chocolate or cider as well ;) 

I do it every year, and it’s a great tradition to start!


The holidays are known as a time for giving, and there are always places in need of your help. You can buy a child a Christmas gift, or get dinner together for a family in need, or whatever else you think would benefit someone! 

Decorate your house

String up lights, decorate your Christmas tree, hang some garland, or whatever your heart desires! You can even turn these into fun DIY crafts, instead of just buying them from the store!

That’s all for now! Happy Holidays! 



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