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The sound of my heel hitting the concrete filled the room as I was walking to a sickening performance.

The nauseating smell of rotting corpses invaded my nostrils, and my eyes were now fixated on the perpetrator.

"Damn, you're uglier than most," my voice could be heard as the silence flooded the space.

"Those people had no chance, I guess they found out that abandoned buildings are no fun," I continued leaving out a sigh as I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Huh? Don't tell me you're scared. Is that why you're trembling so much? Oh, you poor thing," I said, a smirky grin materializing on my face.

The curse standing before me felt threatened and as a result, in his terrified state, launched himself at me, trying to rip me apart with his massive claws.

"Pfff, so boring, I wasn't done talking," I continued, raising my hand parallel to my body, and as the curse approached rapidly, I let my technique do the job.

"Cursed technique: Hade's flames"

Violent sapphire flames started bursting from my hand, incinerating upon minutes, the evil essence that tried to kill me.

"See, if you would have let me finish my speech we wouldn't be in this situation, but now I guess you're dead so you can't quite hear me right," I continued, moving my fingers through the remains combined with the ashes of the curse in hopes of finding it.

"Bingo!" I said as I picked the round object in my hands, a greyish green stone with engraved runes.

Let's hope this is worth a lot because I hate to get my hands dirty like this, especially in the daytime. I thought as I was putting the stone in one of my pockets.

"Hey, Mika! We should get going, judging by the looks of this place, sorcerers could come at any time now," I shouted waiting for her to come, but as I faced the room next to my left, I saw her running, followed by a bunch of other curses.


"This is not fun," I whined as my feet left the wet concrete and my body landed on Mika's white, soft fur.


"Faster, you don't want them to catch up with us," I said, patting her on the head as we dashed through the hallway, and headed for the window.


My body clashed with the glass leaving small cuts as Mika's speed and force perforated the surface of the window.


The rays of lights penetrated my eyes, and the shapes of present Japan buildings started to appear.

"1 ! Ha, right on time," I heard a voice in the distance that sent shivers down my spine. It was so familiar, so intimate that I instinctively moved my head towards it.

A memory was standing at the base of the building looking at me with his pierceful blue eyes.

An illusion? No, a hallucination? My eyes had to adjust to the light from outside, so it might as well be a mirage. But as hard as I wanted to convince myself that it wasn't real, fragments of my memory came flooding over me.

"What the fuck is he doing here?" I spat out as rage and fear started taking over my body.

It was no doubt, he was looking for me.

"Don't stop Mika, he is here!" I shouted in order to make her understand the gravity of the situation.

If he's gonna catch me it's end game.


"Sensei, you want us to catch her???" said a pink-haired kid while whining.

"She went through a fricking window, and she has a tiger, like, am I missing something?!!" said the short girl of the group pointing at me.

"But that's..." tried the black-haired boy to say but was stopped by him.

"This is what you two will have to do in order to test your abilities. Megumi you can't intervene," explained the man. "Also, see those curses following her, exorcise them in the process. Now you should go if you want to even have a chance at catching her," he laughs then gestured them to leave.

"Yeah, yeah," could be heard from the two kids' mouths as they started going after me.

Mika was fast, especially when we have to escape from tight situations like this. Let's just hope I won't have to fight those kids.

Right as I thought that I heard one of them scream as if they were strangled to death by curse spirits.

"Wait Mika, fuck, let's help them," I said turning back to where the screaming was originally heard.

I knew this was a stupid decision but those curses are my mess so I'm not gonna let my laziness kill two kids.

To my surprise, all the curses were exorcised, and the two of them were screaming to get my attention.

"Ha, Kugisaki, it actually worked!" said the boy with an enthusiastic tone and a big smile on his face.

"I told you so," she responded with a proud expression, crossing her hands to her chest and nodding her head.

"You two are interesting," I ended up saying as my feet touched the ground.

Mika is growling and knows we aren't playing anymore, this is serious.

"We're not intimidated, not even by a tiger lady," said the boy punching his left hand.

Both of them were prepared to fight as they took their stand.

"I won't use Mika in this fight, nor my cursed technique, it will be pointless," I said, patting Mika on the head.

"Yeah, well then, that will be the end of you," Kugisaki responded, taking out a few nails and a small hammer.

"Maybe," I sighed.

The boy came with a surprising speed, trying to punch me but I, so effortlessly, dodged his fist, landing a kick with my foot to the lower part of his back.

"Itadori, don't be stupid, she's clearly trained," Kugisaki spat while trying to locate a target on my body so her nails could hit me.

"She's right kid, what the hell do they teach you at Jujutsu high?" my voice was heard loud and clear as it got a violent reaction from Itadori.

He tried to punch me numerous times but I managed to avoid all of them.

I am too aware of this fighting style.

"Huh, mediocre taijutsu," I said twisting Itadori's arm, kicking his leg, and tossing him around like he was made of feathers, his back hitting the concrete.

Before I could make any other moves, Kugisaki already got me with one of her nails.

"It seems like you lost," she said proudly, snapping her fingers.

I managed to take ahold of the nail and took it out of my arm, panting as the pain was entering my body.

"Not yet," my response came quickly as my punch, but she managed to dodge it, and was trying to land a hit anywhere she could.

I grabbed her hand, forcing her to be close to my face, and with the other one, I grabbed her neck, throwing her to the ground as well.

"I think you had enough fun, don't you, Y/N?"

I heard the voice again as I look up and met his gaze.

"You know it's not fun when kids are around, Satoru."

Lost In Paradise [Gojo x reader x Nanami] !ON HIATUS!Where stories live. Discover now