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Nanami's pov:

My eyes adjusted to the darkness of the hallway as I walked around. The sweat on my forehead was still present as only now I've decided to wipe it off with a small towel.

As I continued down the hallway, I felt the thirst intensify in my throat, a dryness that seemed to consume me from within, making me swallow my saliva with difficulty.

Each step felt like an impossible task as I struggled to reach the door of that room, my legs heavy with exhaustion. However, despite the odds, I ended up where I wanted to be, my hand reaching out to grasp the brass handle as I entered the kitchen.

My eyebrows immediately lifted in surprise as the outline of her body stood out. She had her head over the counter, sleeping deeply on some old-looking books.

The faint light filtering through the curtains highlighted the soft curve of her cheek, casting a gentle glow on her serene expression.

"Mmm...the finger...Su...suku," she mumbled softly in her sleep, her words barely audible over the gentle hum of the refrigerator.

Her fingers were twitching from time to time against the countertop, as if tracing invisible patterns in the air. Her eyes, hidden beneath delicate eyelids, would frown now and then at the dream she was having.

I opened one of the cupboards and took a glass out. I filled it with tap water before bringing it closer to my lips. But, before I could even take a sip, with a quick glance, I noticed how distressed she actually looked.

" me go..."

The glass hovered inches from my lips, forgotten for a moment as my attention shifted entirely to her. Her breathing was shallow, her fingers curling unconsciously around the edges of the countertop.

I started to worry as her voice grew louder, and without a second thought, I set the glass aside, my own thirst momentarily forgotten as I moved to her side to see if I could wake her up.

"What is she even reading?" I muttered under my breath, peering over her shoulder at the pages of the book she had fallen asleep upon. My eyes widened in surprise as I took in the numerous devil-like pictures etched across the weathered pages.

"No wonder she's having nightmares," I said as I moved a piece of her hair out of her face, my fingertips grazing over her cheekbone.

"Her skin is so soft," I murmured softly to myself.

It was a simple observation, yet my head felt cloudy as I sat in her presence more and more.

As my hand lingered there, I couldn't help but feel that same pressure around my heart, as I did when I first saw her.

"What are you doing, Nanami?" she asked me, her voice breaking through the hushed stillness of the kitchen, startling me as I hastily retreated my hand.

I stumbled backward, my heart racing as I searched for words to explain my actions.

"I was just..." my voice trailed off, lost in the tangled web of excuses and explanations.

Her eyes, still heavy with sleep, regarded me with a mixture of confusion and concern.

"I was just...checking on you," I finally managed to say, my voice barely above a whisper.

"You seemed...distressed."

"Ah, sorry," she apologised, rising her head as a piece of paper clung to her cheek.

"Keh...are you always like this?" I asked as I took the page that was sticking to her face into my hands.

"Like what?" she questioned, her brow furrowing as she stared at me.

Lost In Paradise [Gojo x reader x Nanami] !ON HIATUS!Where stories live. Discover now