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I felt my fingers twitch as a slimy liquid clung to them. The moist surface soaked my body, and the heavy entity on top of me paralyzed my frame, making it impossible to breathe properly.

I gradually opened my eyes to acknowledge the terrifying reality I found myself in. The abnormal, pale-looking flesh surrounded me completely, and a foul odor hung in the stuffy air.

"Sato..." I tried to speak, but my words were failing me.

The poison is still in my body.

I thought, attempting to move some of my muscles.

A tingly sensation ran through my arms as they were the first limbs that I managed to regain control over. Despite my effort, Gojo's massive body weighed down on me, limiting any movement I could have done.

"Gah..." I said, trying to move him but failing miserably.

The adrenaline that took over me from the recent fight had started to wear off as the pain caused by my injuries slowly crept into my body.

"...wake up..." I said between breaths as I tried to nudge him again.


I moved my head to the right and placed it next to his ear as I whispered his name again.

Still, nothing.

I have to wake him up somehow!

I thought to myself, trying to come to my own senses as I wrapped my hands around his figure.

"He's going to hate me even more for this, but I have to use it," I muttered, placing my lips on his neck, right under his ear, as I activated my technique.

"Curse technique: Soul Harmonizer," I chanted in a breath as I let my mind drift away into complete darkness, inside the mind of Satoru Gojo.


I woke up to find myself standing in a very recognisable place with that beautiful tall ceiling and hardwood flooring that I still vividly remember.

The warm rays of sunlight peeked through the large, elegant windows, breaking the surface of the living room.

The intricate details, like the ornate patterns of the antique rug, or the mellow lighting cast by the gold abajur, contoured the space with a timeless look.

In truth, this scenery was only a lost memory of what it used to be.

My expression unintentionally saddened as the reality we were living in was nothing like this anymore.

Everything was gone.

I shifted my gaze away, calling for Satoru as I swiftly walked around the house.

"Where is he?" I asked myself, stepping inside his room.

It looked exactly the same. Every last particle of dust was there as he incapsulated this part of his past perfectly.

"Satoru?" I called for him again, trying my best to find Gojo.

"Why is he hiding in his own mind?" I mumbled with a frown, opening the door to his closed.

I even looked under his bed and still couldn't find him.

As I tried to get up, I managed to knock over one of the nightstands, making the only picture frame he had there fall and smash onto the floor.

"Good job Y/N," I sighed.

I really didn't know I could interact like this while I'm inside someone else's mind. But that's because I still don't fully understand what I can or can't do here. The major difference is the way this atmosphere is making me feel. It's so distinct being in his mind compared to that of the curse user. For the latest, I felt like I was prying open his brain as I searched around, however, in here I feel protected...I don't know how to explain it.

Lost In Paradise [Gojo x reader x Nanami] !ON HIATUS!Where stories live. Discover now