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Y/N's pov:

The bell rang a laud and bothersome tune that announced that classes were over for today. So I placed my books in my bag and hurried toward the exit, joining the crowd of students eager to leave. The lockers, once neat and orderly, were now a jumble of backpacks and jackets as everyone tried to escape the classroom.

Outside, the setting sun painted the view in a warm, golden light. A gentle breeze carried the scent of freshly cut grass and the distant sound of people chatting about their evening plans.

Even though it is refreshing I honestly feel like shit after what happened earlier with Kenji and Gojo.

I don't understand him at all.

"Ugh, damn it!" I said to myself as I realised that I couldn't think about anything else other than Satoru.

Why does he has to always be in my thoughts? It's like he became the owner of that small place that I call mind. I thought about as I started walking home.

Usually there's a car that takes us from the house to school and vice versa but lately I choose walking. It's a 20 minute walk, so as of recent events, I'd rather not get crammed in a small car with my biggest enemy, Satoru.

I took a quick left and went down some old, noisy stairs towards the busy main road. The steps had seen better days and made a soft sound when I walked on them. As I kept going, I noticed a dimly lit alley nearby, nestled between two old buildings.

Just as I was about to walk past it, a strong hand suddenly grabbed me by my uniform. It pulled me into the dark alley, making my heart race with fear and panic.

My body collided with the wall as it left me breathless. I tried getting up but the numerous kicks to my stomach made it impossible. And then, in a matter of seconds, the same type of kick reached my face as it left me unconscious on the pavement.

I felt like I couldn't open my eyes, no, it was different. The harsh light made it hard for me to do so.

"Thank the lord you're alive. I really thought I had killed you, you brat!" the man spoke with a mellow voice when he saw me moving my hands.

I was trying to get a feel of the place where I was but it was futile. Both my hands and feet were tied to the wall behind me.

"They told me to bring you alive which is a pity to be honest, you'd look much more pretty dead," he continued talking while he grabbed me by the face and forced me to look at him.

Deep lines etched across his forehead and at the corners of his eyes, telling stories of deceit and hidden agendas. His eyes, a sinister shade of gray, held a cold, calculating gaze that revealed a lack of empathy or remorse and his thin, tightly pressed lips formed a cruel smile, as if he took pleasure in others' misfortune.

"You're working for the Zenin clan?" I managed to ask trying to keep my composure even though I was terrified.

"I work alone! These old geezers just told me about the bounty."


He laughed maniacally.

"You brat have a 50.000 yen bounty on your head and I'm about to cash that when I deliver you to them."

Lost In Paradise [Gojo x reader x Nanami] !ON HIATUS!Where stories live. Discover now